PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Pikachu Re-Volts
Episode Guides |
Pikachu Re-Volts

< Fit To Be Tide | The Crystal Onix >
Orange League
Japanese Title
Mystery of the Disappearing Pokémon!
English Title
Pikachu Re-Volts
Spanish Title
Pikachu se rebela
French Title
Pikachu se ré-volt
Italian Title
la rivolta dei Pokémon
German Title
Der Aufstand
Who's that Pokémon?
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Ash and his friends on again riding Lapras, ontheir way to hte next island. Ash wonders hwere they can get some food, and Tracey says he sees Mandarin Island dead ahead! Ash says it doesnt look like an ilsand. Misty says it looks like a bunh of building floating on the water. Tracey says there are lots of skyscrapers, theaters, and othr cool stuff. Misty says it doesnt seem like a tropical island. Elsewhere, we see two familar figures in a room with video screens on the wall. Its... Butch and Cassidy! They see Ash and the others on Lapras on a screen. Cassidy says its time for some payback.

Ash and the others come into a port, and Ash recalls Lapras. Then they see two guys, backing away from a group of Pokémon, telling them not to come any closer! There are four Magnemites, a Grimer and a Voltorb. Ash ays they shoud check it out, and he and Pikachu run over. Suddenly, there is an odd flash around Pikachu, and it stops. When it turns around, it has a really evil look in its eyes. Togepi jumps out of Mistys arms, also with an evil look on its face. Ash asks Pikach if something is wrong, and Pikachu knocks them back with an electric shock! It and Togepi start walking away. Ash tries to go after, but the Magnemites paralyze him with electricity. He keeps trying, and the Voltorb explodes in front of him. When the smoke clears, all the Pokemon are gone.

Tracey says they have to get out of there! Officer Jenny pulls up on her motorcycle and asks whats going on. They tell herabout Pikachu and Togepi. Jenny says there have been several reports over the last few days of Pokémon that have stopped listening to their trainers, and even attacking them, then dissapearing. Just then, a Gastly materializes in front of her! She shoves it to one side, saying shes assessing important police matters! (I love Ghost Pokémon. =)

They go to the police station and call Prof. Oak. He says it will take a lot of thinking to figure it out. Ash says he has to find Pikachu. Oak points out that he doesnt know where to even start looking. There must be some outside force controlling the Pokémon. Jenny asks if maybe its a Psychic attack. Gastly appear in front of the phone, and she shoves it down. She says that because Gastly hasnt been effected, and Ghosts are strong against Psychics, it could be a Psychic attack. So shell use Gastly to try to find the missing Pokémon.

Tracey says that someone is probabaly using a Psychic Pokémon, but how are they doing it? Ash tells him that they have to find Pikachu, and he says that hes wants to figure it out as much as he does. Misty says the look that Togepi gave her was terrible, and they have to find it! Ash tells Jenny that if they find the Psychic Pokémon thats doing this, theyll fidn Pikachu and the other Pokémon.

Team Rocket is also on Mandarin Island. Jessie says theyre in the Big Orange, and James wonders if they can take the tour, Meowth says theyre here to steal Pikachu, and scratches them. They get mad, and suddenly, Meowth gets that weird flash, and a weird look on his face. He runs off, and Jessie and James follow him. They come to a weird building with a huge satellite antennae on the top. Meowth goes in through a hole in a wall. James wonder what the place is.

Inside, Meowth emerges in the same room as Butch and Cassidy! Meowth says he is there to serve them. Cassidy is surprised that he spoke. To prove their suspicions, Jessie and James also fall through the pipe. Cassidy says its their old friends. Jessie says its Cassidy! James says its Butch, but pronounces it wrong. =) Both teams start saying their mottos, but argue over whos is the right one. =) Jessie says they say it as good as Butch and Cassidy. Cassidy asks if shes heard the rumors about Jessie getting kicked off Team Rocket. But its just a rumor. James asks if shes heard any rumors about him, and Jessie drags him away, saying Cassidy probabaly started the rumors.

Jessie asks that shouldnt Butch and Cassidy be in jail? Cassidy says that the Boss came and bailed them out! Jessie and Jaems says he would never do something like that for them. Meowth goes and nuzzles Cassidys leg. James tells him not to forget who his real friends are! Cassidy says hes not the only friend theyve made. A spotlight reveals all of the missing Pokémon, including Pikachu and Togepi! They all have the evil looks on their faces. Cassidy says Jessie and James couldnt catch that many Pokémon in a million years. Jessie says she knows how to, theyll steal them from Butch and Cassidy!

She sends Arbok and Lickitung, and James sends Weezing a Victreebel, which promptly tries to eat him. =) But then, a platform lowers, revealing a Drowzee with wires attached to its head. Its starts making weird motions with its arms. (Looks like its doing a weird Macarena. =) James wonders what its doing. Jessie says it doesnt matter, and tell their Pokémon to attack. But they dont even move. And they have the evil looks on their faces.

Cassidy says that using brute force to steal Pokémon is unoriginal. Theyve come up with a much more creative and effective way. Butch says how they use a machine to amplify Drowzees hypnotic waves, which are transmitted from a parabolic antennae on the roof. He and Cassidy then tell Weezing, Arbok, Victreebel and Lickitung to get rid of Jessie and James!

Later Jessie wakes up, to find herself look up at Jenny, Ash and Gastly! She says its a nightmare!, but Ash says its real. Misty is bandagin James arm, and he tells her not to be so rough! She gives him an evil look and he says nevermind. Jessie asks how they got there, and Ash says Gastly found them lying on the street, unconcious. Jenny wonders if the Pokémon acting strange and Jessie and James showing up have any connection. Jessie and James sya how Meowth is gone, and all their Pokémon were taken. Jessie wonders what will happen to them, and starts crying a bit. Ash says their not faking it.

Jenny asks them who did it. Jessie says working with the law would blemish her perfect criminal record. She and James start to leave. Jenny tells them that all the other trainers are upset about losing their Pokémon, just like they are. Ash gets in front of them, and says something really bad is happening to their Pokémon and he wont let them leave unless they help. Jessie asks James what he thinks, and he says they could help this once.

Back at the place with the antennae, Jessie and James go up to the door with a large cart. A camera goes over to them, and Butch and Cassidy see them inside. James says they have a peace offering! Jessie says they want to help. James reveals the cart is filled with Poké Balls, and Cassidy says they could use them. They let them inside. James says they want to call a truce. Cassidy says it isnt like them to act this way. Jessie says its because there are more than just the two of them there! They shove the cart at Butch and Cassidy, and Ash, Misty, Tracey and Jenny jump out!

Jenny says Butch and Cassidy are under arrest, and to give the Pokémon back. Cassidy says they should see if the Pokémon agree. They reveal the hypnotized Pokémon, and the Drowzee. The Pokédex says that Drowzee feeds on dreams, and has very powerful Psychic attacks. Ash says thats how theyre controlling the Pokémon! Butch says that Jessie and James werent cut out to be bad guys, so now theyre working woth the law. Jessie says thats what they wanted them to think that. Theyre just using Jenny because she puts up a good front.

Ash says to give back their friends! Drowzee uses its powers to command the Pokémon, and their eyes glow red. Drowzee tries its Hypnosis on Gastly, but it has no effect! Gastly uses Psywave, but Drowzee blocks it with a Psychic attack. Butch and Cassidy then have Drowzee have all the Pokémon attack! Tracey says he didnt know a Drowzee could use its powers for that. All the Pokémon attack at once, and the electricity, fire and water forms into one huge attack! But Gastly somehow deflects it. Ash tells Pikachu to stop! Butch tells Drowzee to take control of Pikachu.

Pikachu chases after Ash and shocks him. But Ash just smiles and asks if thats the best it can do? Pikachu tries shocking him, but he dodges. Jessie and James wonder what he has up his sleeve. Cassidy wonders if hes lost it. Gastlys having some trouble, and Jenny says not to give up. Ash runs over to one of the machines thats boosting Drowzees power. He tells Pikachu to give it his best shot, and Pikachu shocks him, but also shocks the machine! The machine explodes, and Drowzee faints. All the Pokémon are released from the hypnosis, and look around in confusion. (I love the look on the Hitmonchans face. =)

Misty picks up Togepi and says shes glad its safe. Meowth asks whats going on. Jessie says everythings fine as long as their Pokémon are okay, or something like that. Ash says Pikachu always gets the job done, and it jumps into his arms. Jenny tells everyone to clear out. Butch and Cassidy try to stop them, but James Weezing uses Smokescreen, and they run outside. Gastly somehow breaks apart the gate so the Pokémon can return to their trainers. Jessie tells Ash he didnt do too bad.

Up on the rood, Butch says its not over! Jessie says they never quit, and asks how theyll battle. They say itll be two-on-two, but Ash says hell help. Jenny says to be careful because Drowzees Psychic attacks are still very powerful. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt, but Drowzee Teleports down to the ground, right in front of Pikachu! Arbok lunges for Drowzee, but it Teleports again. James tells them all to Tackle, but Drowzee uses Mega Punch, sending Weezing, Lickitung, and Victreebeel crashing into a fence! Cassidy says since they own the Rocket Breeding Center, they made the Drowzee extra strength.

They tell Drowzee to bounce its Psychic attack off the antennae so they can take control of all the Pokémon on the island. Cassidy says theres no stopping them, and has Drowzee use Metronome. Tracey says theres no telling what will happen. Togepi also starts twirling its hands around, while Ash and Pikachu run at Drowzee, and Jenny sends Gastly to help. Everything starts to go in slow motion, and Togepis voice can be heard echoing over everything else. Just as Pikachu is about to shock Drowzee, Togepis arms get a weird blue aura around them. There is a pause, and then a huge explosion which completely destroys the building. Wow, Togepis are powerful little eggs, arent they?

Later, Jenny puts Butch and Cassidy into the back of one of those police wagon thingies and it drives off. (Oddly, no one was seriously hurt from the explosion.) James says he hopes he never sees them again. Jessie says she bets the boss wont bail them out this time. Misty says she bets he will. =)

Later, again, a bunch of people are gathered around the police station, watching as Jenny gives Ash a certificate of outstanding achievement, and makes him an honorary citizen. Jenny says they had an award for Team Rocket, but they dissapeared. On a nearby roof, Team Rocket watches. James says it would have been nice to get a reward for doing something good for a change. Er, I think he says it. Meowth says that someday theyll catch Pikachu.

Ash and co. leave on Lapras. Tracey comments that the only time Team Rocket was on the winning side was when they were on their side. Ash says that they cant lose them all, and they laugh. Pikachu looks at Togepi, and Togepi makes cute sounds. =)

This episode guide has been written by flik.

Pikachu Re-Volts Trivia:

 Jessie uses her Lickitung for the first time in more than 30 episodes.
 Tracey uses the phrase "Who's that Pokémon?" in this episode.
 This episode begins the running joke of characters always getting Butch's name wrong.
 Togepi uses Metronome for the first time.

Characters appearing in this episode







Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

< Fit To Be Tide | The Crystal Onix >

The Shrub Dragon on Tue 22 Apr 2008 15:57:10 UTC.
wow this is cool :)

< Fit To Be Tide | The Crystal Onix >