PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Shell Shock!
Episode Guides |
Shell Shock!

< In The Pink | Stage Fight! >
Orange League
Japanese Title
Kabuto and the Fossil's Secret!
English Title
Shell Shock!
Spanish Title
Impacto caparazón
French Title
Pas si fossile que ça
Italian Title
L'isola dei fossili
German Title
Auf der Suche nach Fossilien
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Ash and Co are riding peacefully along to their next island, when a speedboat suddenly rushes past. Being a bunch of nosy gits, the gang decide to follow, and head off towards an island in the distance. They arrive on the beach and Ash returns Lapras. They see a reporter on the beach, talking into a camera about Kabuto. Apparently, a Kabuto fossil was found on the island, and an archaeological team believe that there are many more to be found, and a lot to be learnt about this mythical Pokemon. Ash flips out his Pokedex and looks up Kabuto. Meanwhile the reporter goes on to talk to the leader of the archaeological team on the island... it�s Nurse Joy!

Ash and Tracey walk up to Nurse Joy and say that they want to help with the investigation. Ash looks into the camera and tells Professor Oak he�s going to bring him back a Kabuto Fossil.

Later on, the expedition to find Kabuto Fossils in about to set off! Some Machoke are carrying the luggage, and a couple of Growlithe�s are sniffing a Kabuto Fossil. The group start to climb up a hill, when Growlithe starts growling at a big boulder at the top of the slope next to the path. Nurse Joy tells it to stop growling, when the boulder suddenly starts rolling down the hill... right at the group! We also briefly see the shadow of a man up at the top of the slope. Ash shouts at Nurse Joy to make Machoke move the boulder. Machoke successfully moves the boulder, which ends up running into Team Rocket, who as usual aren�t far behind.

The reporter starts explaining what just happened, when Pikachu suddenly spots a hidden beach. Everybody makes their way there, and they find a flat are of ground. The archaeological team decide to start digging, and everybody helps.

Suddenly, more boulders start rolling down the hills from all sides! Nurse joy tells a Rhydon they have to use Horn Drill to stop the rocks, which it does. The reporter once again starts... reporting, when Pikachu suddenly hears something, and starts chasing after it. Ash quickly following, and sees that Pikachu is chasing the shadow of a man up ahead. He eventually catches the man up and stops him. Ash works out that this must be the man who was rolling all the boulders at them. Ash asks him why he did it, and the man tells him that they must all leave the island for their own safety, and that he only rolled the boulders at them to scare them into leaving before something bad happened! The reporter once again starts talking to the camera about the latest development, but the old man jumps in front and starts telling of an ancient prophecy:

When the scavengers come, the moon will glow red. The land will vanish and be swallowed by the sea.

Nurse Joy says that they�re not scavengers- they just want to look for Kabuto fossils, when suddenly, one of the diggers runs up to them. They�ve found more Kabuto fossils!

Everybody rushes back and looks into a cave, where they see a whole cave covered with Kabuto fossils! The reporter starts talking once again into the camera, saying that her ratings will go through the roof. One of the diggers tells Rhydon to start digging, much to the old man�s horror.

Suddenly, there�s an explosion. It�s Team Rocket! Meowth laughs and says that the Kabuto fossils would make perfect doorstops in the boss�s mansion. The old man tells them not to, and recites the prophecy. Team Rocket laugh, and light a bomb, before throwing it to the old man. Everybody ends up hurriedly throwing the bomb to each other, until Ash throws it into a wall and it explodes.

They all look back to see Team Rocket starting to escape with the Kabuto fossils. Meowth laughs, and says nothing can stop them this time. Not even the red moon...

The red moon shines onto all the Kabuto fossils, bringing them to life! As the Kabuto start to take over, the old man tells everybody to run for it. The Kabuto manage to burst Team Rocket�s balloon, sending them "Blasting Off Again!"

The Kabuto all jump into the water and start to swim off, when the island suddenly starts rumbling! Everybody realises that the island must have been built around the Kabuto fossils. The old man tells everybody to run into the forest, and build a raft. Using the help of the Pokemon, everybody manages to build a raft and sail away on it. They eventually reach the open sea. Tracey comments that a red moon must awaken them. Nurse Joy says that nobody must ever know about the colony of Kabuto. Everyone agrees.

This episode guide has been written by Typhlosion.

Characters appearing in this episode







Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

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