Any information regarding the workings of PKMN.NET or the forums will be posted here. When we remember.
Look at this to see all the entries for our kick-ass forum competitions
Any information regarding the workings of PKMN.NET or the forums will be posted here.
Here is PKMN.NET's chat room. Here you can talk to Pokémon fans all over the world... providing they're in this chat room! Remember, we can't always control what goes on here (sleep and school are important)!

Contrary to popular belief, PKMN.NET's users also exist in real life. Here's some photos and accounts of what happened during the day.
Eight writers. Eight articles. Eight years of PKMN.NET. Prepared to be vaguely amused and bewildered.
Here you'll find the opinions of staff and contributors of Pokémon UK. Everything said in this section is purely the opinion of the writer and in no way reflects the view of the rest of the staff.
Some old stuff we don't really want to delete but won't be updating anymore. We're not sure what half of it is either.