PKMN.NET :: Bonus Levels :: Pinball & Pinball RS Ruby/Sapphire Edition
Pinball & Pinball RS Ruby/Sapphire Edition: Bonus Levels |

As with the previous Pinball game, Pokémon Pinball RS features bonus levels themed around certain Pokémon. Thanks to Latias_Latios for sending in these pictures:

Here we have Kyogre, doing something water themed. I'd guess that you have to hit Kyogre, and avoid the whirlpools. The kid who played Peter(?) in Jumanji, might guess the same. Here's a Groudon themed game- it appears to be similar in style to the Kyogre one.
A Sealeo themed game- looks a bit like Bastket Ball. Should be a laugh. Probably. A Dusclops game- what what it involves is only known by two out of three of the world's greatest political impressionists.
Jiirachi is in it too, somehow, although not necessarily as a bonus level. Looks fun, though.

Page written by Psythor.

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on Wed 13 Feb 2008 15:21:11 UTC.
PLUS, beating one of the Kyogre/Groudon levels twice in one game (not getting a game over that is) will capture them. Then brings you to the Rayquaza stage, which if you beat twice gets you (you guessed it) Rayquaza. Exciting.