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Have you ever looked at a Pokémon product and seen loads of different companies mentioned, and thought "I wonder what they have to do with Pokémon?". No, neither have we. But anyway, here is a description of what each company does.

Interestingly, despite the outstanding quality of the games, Nintendo only published the Pokémon games! They also tested and translated the games when the came over to the western world.

These brilliant people, led by Satoshi Tarijini actually created the Pokémon games! These people programmed, drew and wrote the stories to the Pokémon RPG's. Also, "Game Freak" was the name for the gaming magazine Satoshi made before he moved into software development!

To be honest, I haven't a clue, although they might be distributors of some sort...z

Hal are a Nintendo 2nd Party that have developed many Pokémon games over the years. Some "gems" include Super Smash Brothers and Pokémon TCG for Game Boy.

I couldn't find a logo for them. These guys were the people who distributed all Nintendo games in Europe. Now, apparently, Nintendo do it them selves.

4Kids Entertainment are responsible for translating and dubbing the animé. They also edit parts out, and cover up the Japanese text. Interestingly, they have recently bought the rights to translate the Pokémon Animé for the next five years, and are once again independant of Kids WB.

Kids WB are in many peoples eyes, a cavalcade of idiots. They managed the Pokémon Animé and the promoted and distributed the first three movies. These days, they don't do much!

Wizards of the coast are a great company. As well as the Magic: The Gathering card game, they translate and a distribute the Pokémon TCG around the western world.

Apart from owning about 99% of the toys and games industry, Hasbro make the hundreds of assorted Pokémon models and toys and things like that. They even own Wizards of the Coast!

Believe it or not there is a "Pokémon" company! Pokémon USA is responsible for choosing what other companies can do what.

Page written by Psythor.

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ant123 on Tue 17 Apr 2007 18:20:47 UTC.
there is pokemon usa inc. which does stuff in the usa and there is "The Pokemon Company" look on the game boxes! i think they just sit there and put there logo on the boxes lol
Poison2008 on Thu 03 May 2007 18:20:02 UTC.
They Missed Chunsoft on purpose xD
Philachu the Nanab Master! on Tue 26 Jun 2007 14:43:11 UTC.
They missed Chunsoft because one, this was made a long time ago and they hadn't done anything with Pokémon yet. Two, all they've done for Pokémon was the Mystery Dungeon games. Which is all Chunsoft does, but I digress.
Team Magma's Dark Rapidash on Tue 21 Aug 2007 22:48:45 UTC.
I've been to Pokemon USA and personally know people there. They really do do it all, but they refuse to reveal any new Japanese things like it'll end the world or something... I went there last summer and they didn't like that I knew about PMD.
nalty. on Mon 27 Aug 2007 13:21:21 UTC.
The Pokemon Company and Game Freak are Satoshi really so theyre noth HIS