PKMN.NET :: Halloween Stuff :: Merchandise Other Pages
Merchandise Other Pages: Halloween Stuff |

Looking for something to do on Halloween this year and don't mind social rejection for the rest of your life? Where better to look for something that fits the criteria than Pokémon? On the Pokémon Centre website they sell many things.

You can get what can only be described as a "Halloween Kit". This scary cavalcade of creepy things features a Gengar plush "thing", eight Halloween cards, three 2" figures of the original ghost family, and a "loot" bag with a devilishly scary picture of Pikachu on. Handgun and balaclava not included.

Also in stock are several Pokémon costumes, so if you are 7 years old, or small for your age, you can dress up as a dodgy version of your favorite Pokémon.

From left to write, you have Charmeleon, Cubone and Jigglypuff. Surely shooting the kids now is more humane that letting these kids go and knock on peoples door asking for sweets in these costumes? Its probably worth noting that most of the costumes seem to be a plastic mask and a Intel-men style whole body suit. Making your own would be cheaper.
From left to right again, Lapras, Lugia and Marill. Perhaps the most unnerving thing that the kids in the photos look happy. Zapdos is below.

Pikachu, Poliwhirl and Psyduck. I really don't know which is the worst look-a-like.

A very feminine Wartortle and Zapdos. Grannies of America beware, the Pokémon are coming!

Page written by Psythor.

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scizoracdc on Sat 19 May 2007 16:07:41 UTC.
espeon32 on Fri 13 Jul 2007 00:00:04 UTC.
o.O weird...