PKMN.NET :: Character Selection :: Mystery Dungeon Red and Blue
Mystery Dungeon Red and Blue: Character Selection |
What's this?

You've worked out you become a Pokémon in this new Mystery Dungeon game?

Well done. I bet you've also noticed it doesn't seem like you have much of a say in your choice. You just fill in this strange questionnaire and get allocated a Pokémon.

Wouldn't it be nice if there was a list of ideal answers to give depending on whoever you want to be?

Well there is.

But to get it, you have to outside now and scream at the top of your lungs "TYPHLOSION IS THE GREATEST!"


Done it?


Ah well, worth a try.

The problem here is that all the questions you receive are random, and some of the questions have no influence in helping you become a certain Pokémon. Below are listed all the right answers to give to the questions which WILL point you in the right direction. You won't get asked all of them, and you'll be given a selection of others. The trick is to give the stated answers when you stumble upon the listed questions, and answer any old thing to everything else you get asked. With any luck, you should become your designated choice of Pokémon.

It's worth noting here that a few of the Pokémon only come with one gender in this game. Chikorita, Eevee and Skitty can only be played as a female form, whilst Cyndaquil, Machop and Meowth can only be played as a male form. Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Totodile, Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, Pikachu, Machop, Cubone and Psyduck can all be played as either gender. When you choose your partner, you cannot choose a Pokémon the same type as yourself.


Let's go for it then.

Bulbsaur (Male)

Can you focus on something you like?

You are offered a choice of two gifts. Which one will you take?
Big Box.

You broke a rotten egg in your room! What will you do?
Open a window right away.

A friend brought over something you'd forgotten. How do you thank your friend?
Say thank you regularly.

There is a wallet at the side of a road.
Turn it in to the police!

You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... And the bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?

A delinquent is hassling a girl on a busy city street! What will you do?
Call the police.

Do you like pranks?

Do you tend to laugh a lot?

Your friend fails to show up for a meeting at the promised time. What do you do?
Become irritated.

Your country's leader is in front of you. How do you speak to him or her?
Speak nervously.

Can you sincerely thank someone when you feel grateful?

The road forks to the right and left. You are told there is a treasure on the right side. What do you do?
Instantly go right.

Are you male or female?

Bulbsaur (Female)

There is a bucket. If you put water in it, how high will you fill it?

You are offered a choice of two gifts. Which one will you take?
Small box.

It's the summer holidays! Where would you like to go?

Have you ever made a pitfall trap?

Do others often call you childish?

A human hand extends out of a toilet! What would you do?
Close the lid without a word.

You receive a gift! But you don't know what's in it. You're curious, so what do you do?
Open it later.

You win a lottery! What do you do with the money?
Save it.

Do others tell you to watch what you say?

Can you sincerely thank someone when you feel grateful?

Do you occasionally consider yourself dull and overly cautious?

Do you dream of lounging around idly without much excitement?

Do you like to fight?

Do you often yawn?

Do you fall asleep without noticing?

What do you do with your room's light when you're going to bed at night?
Turn it off.

It's a weekend, but no one will play with you... What do you do?
Hang around vacantly.

Are you male or female?

Charmander (Male)

A test is coming up. How do you study for it?
Study hard.

Can you focus on something you like?

When the going gets tough, do you get going?

There is a bucket. If you put water in it, how high will you fill it?

There is a scream from behind a door! How will you react?
Yank open the door.

A delinquent is hassling a girl on a busy city street! What will you do?
Help, even if scared.

A foreign person has started up a conversation with you. To be honest, you don't have a clue what this fellow is saying. How do you reply?
Um... Could you say that again?

Are there many things that you would like to do?

A human hand extends out of a toilet! What would you do?
Close the lid without a word.

You win a lottery! What do you do with the money?
Save it.

Your country's leader is in front of you. How do you speak to him or her?
Speak calmly.

Do you occasionally consider yourself dull and overly cautious?

Do you often yawn?

Are you often late for school or meetings?

Do you fall asleep without noticing?

Do you sometimes run out of things to do all of a sudden?

How quickly do you respond to an e-mail?
Reply right away.

There is a person you like... But there's no opportunity to get close. What do you do?
Bravely declare my love.

Are you male or female?

Charmander (Female)

When the going gets tough, do you get going?

You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... And the bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?

There is an alien invasion! What will you do?

You valiantly fight the aliens... But, you are defeated... An alien says to you... "YOU HAVE IMPRESSED US. IT WAS A PLEASURE TO SEE. JOIN US, AND TOGETHER WE SHALL RULE THE WORLD." What will you do?

There is a scream from behind a door! How will you react?
Yank open the door.

A delinquent is hassling a girl on a busy city street! What will you do?
Help without hesitation.

Your friend is being bullied! What do you do?
Face up to the bully.

A human hand extends out of a toilet! What would you do?
Shake hands with it.

Can you go into a haunted house?
No problem!

You win a lottery! What do you do with the money?
Give it away.

Do you hate to be the last person to leave class at the end of a school day?

There is a person you like... But there's no opportunity to get close. What do you do?
Bravely declare my love.

Are you male or female?

Squirtle (Male)

Are you a cheerful personality?

Do you like to noisily enjoy yourself with others?

It's the summer holidays! Where would you like to go?
The beach!

A foreign person has started up a conversation with you. To be honest, you don't have a clue what this fellow is saying. How do you reply?
Haha! Yes. Very funny!

Do you like groan-inducing puns?
A little.

Do others often call you childish?

Grab any digit on your left hand with your right hand. Which digit did you grab?
Middle finger.

You win a lottery! What do you do with the money?
Spend it now.

It is a pleasant day at the beach. How do you feel?
This feels great!

It's a weekend, but no one will play with you... What do you do?
Go on a trip.

On vacation outings, you want to...
Go with others.

It's the summer festival! Do you like carnivals?
Love them!

Are you male or female?

Squirtle (Female)

A test is coming up. How do you study for it?
At the last second.

You broke a rotten egg in your room! What will you do?
Take a sniff first.

There is an alien invasion! What will you do?
Ignore it.

Do you like pranks?

Your friend fails to show up for a meeting at the promised time. What do you do?
Wait patiently.

Do you think you are cool? Be honest.

Do you often yawn?

Are you often late for school or meetings?

Do you get the feeling that you've slowed down lately?

It is a pleasant day at the beach. How do you feel?

Do you fall asleep without noticing?

Do you hate to be the last person to leave class at the end of a school day?

It's a weekend, but no one will play with you... What do you do?
Hang around vacantly.

Are you male or female?

Pikachu (Male)

A test is coming up. How do you study for it?
Ignore it and play.

There is a wallet at the side of a road.
Is anyone watching...?

You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... And the bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?

Have you ever made a pitfall trap?

Do you like pranks?

Are there many things that you would like to do?

Your friend is being bullied! What do you do?
Heckle the bully from behind.

Do you like groan-inducing puns?
Love them!

A human hand extends out of a toilet! What would you do?
Shake hands with it.

You are suddenly locked inside a pitch-black room! What do you do?
Clean it.

Do others tell you to watch what you say?

Do you dream of lounging around idly without much excitement?

Do you get the feeling that you've slowed down lately?

There is a person you like... But there's no opportunity to get close. What do you do?
Pull a prank to get attention.

Are you male or female?

Pikachu (Female)

A test is coming up. How do you study for it?
Study hard.

Can you focus on something you like?

When the going gets tough, do you get going?

There is a bucket. If you put water in it, how high will you fill it?

There is a scream from behind a door! How will you react?
Yank open the door.

A delinquent is hassling a girl on a busy city street! What will you do?
Help, even if scared.

A foreign person has started up a conversation with you. To be honest, you don't have a clue what this fellow is saying. How do you reply?
Um... Could you say that again?

Are there many things that you would like to do?

A human hand extends out of a toilet! What would you do?
Close the lid without a word.

You win a lottery! What do you do with the money?
Save it.

Your country's leader is in front of you. How do you speak to him or her?
Speak calmly.

Do you occasionally consider yourself dull and overly cautious?

Do you often yawn?

Are you often late for school or meetings?

Do you fall asleep without noticing?

Do you sometimes run out of things to do all of a sudden?

How quickly do you respond to an e-mail?
Reply right away.

There is a person you like... But there's no opportunity to get close. What do you do?
Bravely declare my love.

Are you male or female?

Meowth (Male only)

Can you focus on something you like?

When the going gets tough, do you get going?

There is a bucket. If you put water in it, how high will you fill it?
A little.

Are you a cheerful personality?

It's the summer holidays! Where would you like to go?

Are there many things that you would like to do?

Do you tend to laugh a lot?

You are suddenly locked inside a pitch-black room! What do you do?
Clean it.

You win a lottery! What do you do with the money?
Give it away.

Can you sincerely thank someone when you feel grateful?

Do you sometimes run out of things to do all of a sudden?

How quickly do you respond to an e-mail?
May reply, may not.

There is a person you like... But there's no opportunity to get close. What do you do?
Might say hello...

The road forks to the right and left. You are told there is a treasure on the right side. What do you do?
Choose either side.

On vacation outings, you want to...
Go alone.

It's the summer festival! Do you like carnivals?
Don't care.

Are you male or female?

Psyduck (Male)

A test is coming up. How do you study for it?
At the last second.

You broke a rotten egg in your room! What will you do?
Take a sniff first.

There is an alien invasion! What will you do?
Ignore it.

Do you like pranks?

Your friend fails to show up for a meeting at the promised time. What do you do?
Wait patiently.

Do you think you are cool? Be honest.

Do you often yawn?

Are you often late for school or meetings?

Do you get the feeling that you've slowed down lately?

It is a pleasant day at the beach. How do you feel?

Do you fall asleep without noticing?

Do you hate to be the last person to leave class at the end of a school day?

It's a weekend, but no one will play with you... What do you do?
Hang around vacantly.

Are you male or female?

Psyduck (Female)

A friend brought over something you'd forgotten. How do you thank your friend?
Say thanks with a joke.

Do you like to noisily enjoy yourself with others?

Have you ever made a pitfall trap?

Grab any digit on your left hand with your right hand. Which digit did you grab?
Little finger.

You are suddenly locked inside a pitch-black room! What do you do?

Do you occasionally consider yourself dull and overly cautious?

Do you like to fight?

Do you feel lonesome when you are alone?

Do you hate to be the last person to leave class at the end of a school day?

What do you do with your room's light when you're going to bed at night?
Leave it on.

It's a weekend, but no one will play with you... What do you do?
Go on a trip.

On vacation outings, you want to...
Go with others.

Somebody calls you "weird but funny." How does that make you feel?

Are you male or female?

Machop (Male Only)

When the going gets tough, do you get going?

You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... And the bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?

There is an alien invasion! What will you do?

You valiantly fight the aliens... But, you are defeated... An alien says to you... "YOU HAVE IMPRESSED US. IT WAS A PLEASURE TO SEE. JOIN US, AND TOGETHER WE SHALL RULE THE WORLD." What will you do?

There is a scream from behind a door! How will you react?
Yank open the door.

A delinquent is hassling a girl on a busy city street! What will you do?
Help without hesitation.

Your friend is being bullied! What do you do?
Face up to the bully.

A human hand extends out of a toilet! What would you do?
Shake hands with it.

Can you go into a haunted house?
No problem!

You win a lottery! What do you do with the money?
Give it away.

Do you hate to be the last person to leave class at the end of a school day?

There is a person you like... But there's no opportunity to get close. What do you do?
Bravely declare my love.

Are you male or female?

Cubone (Male)

A friend brought over something you'd forgotten. How do you thank your friend?
Say thanks with a joke.

Do you like to noisily enjoy yourself with others?

Have you ever made a pitfall trap?

Grab any digit on your left hand with your right hand. Which digit did you grab?
Little finger.

You are suddenly locked inside a pitch-black room! What do you do?

Do you occasionally consider yourself dull and overly cautious?

Do you like to fight?

Do you feel lonesome when you are alone?

Do you hate to be the last person to leave class at the end of a school day?

What do you do with your room's light when you're going to bed at night?
Leave it on.

It's a weekend, but no one will play with you... What do you do?
Go on a trip.

On vacation outings, you want to...
Go with others.

Somebody calls you "weird but funny." How does that make you feel?

Are you male or female?

Cubone (Female)

A test is coming up. How do you study for it?
Ignore it and play.

There is a wallet at the side of a road.
Is anyone watching...?

You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... And the bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?

Have you ever made a pitfall trap?

Do you like pranks?

Are there many things that you would like to do?

Your friend is being bullied! What do you do?
Heckle the bully from behind.

Do you like groan-inducing puns?
Love them!

A human hand extends out of a toilet! What would you do?
Shake hands with it.

You are suddenly locked inside a pitch-black room! What do you do?
Clean it.

Do others tell you to watch what you say?

Do you dream of lounging around idly without much excitement?

Do you get the feeling that you've slowed down lately?

There is a person you like... But there's no opportunity to get close. What do you do?
Pull a prank to get attention.

Are you male or female?

Eevee (Female Only)

You are offered a choice of two gifts. Which one will you take?
Big box.

You broke a rotten egg in your room! What will you do?
Take a sniff first.

A friend brought over something you'd forgotten. How do you thank your friend?
Say thanks with a joke.

There is a wallet at the side of a road.
Yay! Yay!

There is a scream from behind a door! How will you react?
Scream in unison.

Are you a cheerful personality?

Do you like groan-inducing puns?
Love them!

Do you tend to laugh a lot?

Do others often call you childish?

Do you like to imagine things for your amusement?

A human hand extends out of a toilet! What would you do?
Shake hands with it.

Somebody calls you "weird but funny." How does that make you feel?

Are you male or female?

Chikorita (Female Only)

Can you focus on something you like?

You are offered a choice of two gifts. Which one will you take?
Big Box.

You broke a rotten egg in your room! What will you do?
Open a window right away.

A friend brought over something you'd forgotten. How do you thank your friend?
Say thank you regularly.

There is a wallet at the side of a road.
Turn it in to the police!

You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... And the bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?

A delinquent is hassling a girl on a busy city street! What will you do?
Call the police.

Do you like pranks?

Do you tend to laugh a lot?

Your friend fails to show up for a meeting at the promised time. What do you do?
Become irritated.

Your country's leader is in front of you. How do you speak to him or her?
Speak nervously.

Can you sincerely thank someone when you feel grateful?

The road forks to the right and left. You are told there is a treasure on the right side. What do you do?
Instantly go right.

Are you male or female?

Cyndaquil (Male Only)

You are offered a choice of two gifts. Which one will you take?
Small box.

You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... And the bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?

There is an alien invasion! What will you do?

A delinquent is hassling a girl on a busy city street! What will you do?
Call the police.

Do you like to noisily enjoy yourself with others?

A foreign person has started up a conversation with you. To be honest, you don't have a clue what this fellow is saying. How do you reply?
Right... Well, I gotta go.

Your friend is being bullied! What do you do?
Caution the bully from afar.

A human hand extends out of a toilet! What would you do?
Scream and run.

Grab any digit on your left hand with your right hand. Which digit did you grab?

You are suddenly locked inside a pitch-black room! What do you do?
Kick the door.

Can you go into a haunted house?
Uh... N-no...

You receive a gift! But you don't know what's in it. You're curious, so what do you do?
Get someone to open it.

You come across a treasure chest! What do you do?
No... Could be a trap...

Do you like to fight?

Do you feel lonesome when you are alone?

Do you hate to be the last person to leave class at the end of a school day?

What do you do with your room's light when you're going to bed at night?
Leave it on.

It's a weekend, but no one will play with you... What do you do?
Huddle in a corner.

There is a person you like... But there's no opportunity to get close. What do you do?
Look from afar.

Are you male or female?

Totodile (Male)

You are offered a choice of two gifts. Which one will you take?
Big box.

You broke a rotten egg in your room! What will you do?
Take a sniff first.

A friend brought over something you'd forgotten. How do you thank your friend?
Say thanks with a joke.

There is a wallet at the side of a road.
Yay! Yay!

There is a scream from behind a door! How will you react?
Scream in unison.

Are you a cheerful personality?

Do you like groan-inducing puns?
Love them!

Do you tend to laugh a lot?

Do others often call you childish?

Do you like to imagine things for your amusement?

A human hand extends out of a toilet! What would you do?
Shake hands with it.

Somebody calls you "weird but funny." How does that make you feel?

Are you male or female?

Totodile (Female)

Are you a cheerful personality?

Do you like to noisily enjoy yourself with others?

It's the summer holidays! Where would you like to go?
The beach!

A foreign person has started up a conversation with you. To be honest, you don't have a clue what this fellow is saying. How do you reply?
Haha! Yes. Very funny!

Do you like groan-inducing puns?
A little.

Do others often call you childish?

Grab any digit on your left hand with your right hand. Which digit did you grab?
Middle finger.

You win a lottery! What do you do with the money?
Spend it now.

It is a pleasant day at the beach. How do you feel?
This feels great!

It's a weekend, but no one will play with you... What do you do?
Go on a trip.

On vacation outings, you want to...
Go with others.

It's the summer festival! Do you like carnivals?
Love them!

Are you male or female?

Treecko (Male)

When the going gets tough, do you get going?

A friend brought over something you'd forgotten. How do you thank your friend?
Say thanks, but be cool.

There is an alien invasion! What will you do?

You valiantly fight the aliens... But, you are defeated... An alien says to you... "YOU HAVE IMPRESSED US. IT WAS A PLEASURE TO SEE. JOIN US, AND TOGETHER WE SHALL RULE THE WORLD." What will you do?
Rule with the aliens.

Are you a cheerful personality?

Are there many things that you would like to do?

Do you like groan-inducing puns?
Spare me.

Grab any digit on your left hand with your right hand. Which digit did you grab?
Ring finger.

Can you go into a haunted house?
With someone I like.

You come across a treasure chest! What do you do?
It's going to be empty...

Your country's leader is in front of you. How do you speak to him or her?

Do others tell you to watch what you say?

Do you think you are cool? Be honest.

Can you sincerely thank someone when you feel grateful?

Are you often late for school or meetings?

Do you feel lonesome when you are alone?

How quickly do you respond to an e-mail?
Too much trouble.

The road forks to the right and left. You are told there is a treasure on the right side. What do you do?
It's a trap! Go left.

It's the summer festival! Do you like carnivals?
Don't care.

Somebody calls you "weird but funny." How does that make you feel?
Not happy.

Are you male or female?

Treecko (Female)

Can you focus on something you like?

When the going gets tough, do you get going?

There is a bucket. If you put water in it, how high will you fill it?
A little.

Are you a cheerful personality?

It's the summer holidays! Where would you like to go?

Are there many things that you would like to do?

Do you tend to laugh a lot?

You are suddenly locked inside a pitch-black room! What do you do?
Clean it.

You win a lottery! What do you do with the money?
Give it away.

Can you sincerely thank someone when you feel grateful?

Do you sometimes run out of things to do all of a sudden?

How quickly do you respond to an e-mail?
May reply, may not.

There is a person you like... But there's no opportunity to get close. What do you do?
Might say hello...

The road forks to the right and left. You are told there is a treasure on the right side. What do you do?
Choose either side.

On vacation outings, you want to...
Go alone.

It's the summer festival! Do you like carnivals?
Don't care.

Are you male or female?

Torchic (Male)

You broke a rotten egg in your room! What will you do?
Open a window right away.

Do you like to imagine things for your amusement?

Grab any digit on your left hand with your right hand. Which digit did you grab?
Index finger.

You receive a gift! But you don't know what's in it. You're curious, so what do you do?
Open it now.

You win a lottery! What do you do with the money?
Spend it now.

You come across a treasure chest! What do you do?
Open it right away!

Your friend fails to show up for a meeting at the promised time. What do you do?
Become irritated.

Do you often yawn?

Are you often late for school or meetings?

Do you get the feeling that you've slowed down lately?

It is a pleasant day at the beach. How do you feel?
I want to go home soon!

How quickly do you respond to an e-mail?
Reply right away.

On vacation outings, you want to...
Go alone.

Somebody calls you "weird but funny." How does that make you feel?
Not happy.

Are you male or female?

Torchic (Female)

When the going gets tough, do you get going?

A friend brought over something you'd forgotten. How do you thank your friend?
Say thanks, but be cool.

There is an alien invasion! What will you do?

You valiantly fight the aliens... But, you are defeated... An alien says to you... "YOU HAVE IMPRESSED US. IT WAS A PLEASURE TO SEE. JOIN US, AND TOGETHER WE SHALL RULE THE WORLD." What will you do?
Rule with the aliens.

Are you a cheerful personality?

Are there many things that you would like to do?

Do you like groan-inducing puns?
Spare me.

Grab any digit on your left hand with your right hand. Which digit did you grab?
Ring finger.

Can you go into a haunted house?
With someone I like.

You come across a treasure chest! What do you do?
It's going to be empty...

Your country's leader is in front of you. How do you speak to him or her?

Do others tell you to watch what you say?

Do you think you are cool? Be honest.

Can you sincerely thank someone when you feel grateful?

Are you often late for school or meetings?

Do you feel lonesome when you are alone?

How quickly do you respond to an e-mail?
Too much trouble.

The road forks to the right and left. You are told there is a treasure on the right side. What do you do?
It's a trap! Go left.

It's the summer festival! Do you like carnivals?
Don't care.

Somebody calls you "weird but funny." How does that make you feel?
Not happy.

Are you male or female?

Mudkip (Male)

There is a bucket. If you put water in it, how high will you fill it?

You are offered a choice of two gifts. Which one will you take?
Small box.

It's the summer holidays! Where would you like to go?

Have you ever made a pitfall trap?

Do others often call you childish?

A human hand extends out of a toilet! What would you do?
Close the lid without a word.

You receive a gift! But you don't know what's in it. You're curious, so what do you do?
Open it later.

You win a lottery! What do you do with the money?
Save it.

Do others tell you to watch what you say?

Can you sincerely thank someone when you feel grateful?

Do you occasionally consider yourself dull and overly cautious?

Do you dream of lounging around idly without much excitement?

Do you like to fight?

Do you often yawn?

Do you fall asleep without noticing?

What do you do with your room's light when you're going to bed at night?
Turn it off.

It's a weekend, but no one will play with you... What do you do?
Hang around vacantly.

Are you male or female?

Mudkip (Female)

You are offered a choice of two gifts. Which one will you take?
Small box.

You're going bungee jumping for the first time. Since it's scary, you decide to test the jump with a doll... And the bungee cord snaps! Will you still try to make a jump anyway?

There is an alien invasion! What will you do?

A delinquent is hassling a girl on a busy city street! What will you do?
Call the police.

Do you like to noisily enjoy yourself with others?

A foreign person has started up a conversation with you. To be honest, you don't have a clue what this fellow is saying. How do you reply?
Right... Well, I gotta go.

Your friend is being bullied! What do you do?
Caution the bully from afar.

A human hand extends out of a toilet! What would you do?
Scream and run.

Grab any digit on your left hand with your right hand. Which digit did you grab?

You are suddenly locked inside a pitch-black room! What do you do?
Kick the door.

Can you go into a haunted house?
Uh... N-no...

You receive a gift! But you don't know what's in it. You're curious, so what do you do?
Get someone to open it.

You come across a treasure chest! What do you do?
No... Could be a trap...

Do you like to fight?

Do you feel lonesome when you are alone?

Do you hate to be the last person to leave class at the end of a school day?

What do you do with your room's light when you're going to bed at night?
Leave it on.

It's a weekend, but no one will play with you... What do you do?
Huddle in a corner.

There is a person you like... But there's no opportunity to get close. What do you do?
Look from afar.

Are you male or female?

Skitty (Female Only)

You broke a rotten egg in your room! What will you do?
Open a window right away.

Do you like to imagine things for your amusement?

Grab any digit on your left hand with your right hand. Which digit did you grab?
Index finger.

You receive a gift! But you don't know what's in it. You're curious, so what do you do?
Open it now.

You win a lottery! What do you do with the money?
Spend it now.

You come across a treasure chest! What do you do?
Open it right away!

Your friend fails to show up for a meeting at the promised time. What do you do?
Become irritated.

Do you often yawn?

Are you often late for school or meetings?

Do you get the feeling that you've slowed down lately?

It is a pleasant day at the beach. How do you feel?
I want to go home soon!

How quickly do you respond to an e-mail?
Reply right away.

On vacation outings, you want to...
Go alone.

Somebody calls you "weird but funny." How does that make you feel?
Not happy.

Are you male or female?

Page written by Typhlosion.

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on Sat 12 May 2007 13:41:13 UTC.
i,ll triy it
kyogreandpoliwhirlrthebest on Thu 17 May 2007 15:29:54 UTC.
YAY no poliwags there for poliwhirl but hey i just recruited him later in the game (and kyogre)
on Tue 05 Jun 2007 23:40:16 UTC.
Simirror on Wed 06 Jun 2007 14:56:34 UTC.
Pikachu or Squirtle?
clifty on Sat 16 Jun 2007 11:06:59 UTC.
I iz almost completed the game fully i only need a few more pokemon one of them iz psyduck i had one then evolved it into a golduck
laironlover77 on Fri 22 Jun 2007 22:17:20 UTC.
I wound up being Treeco.
BlackStatic on Mon 02 Jul 2007 08:50:07 UTC.
the bad part have to restart the game and I AM NOT RESTARTING AGAIN!
on Fri 27 Jul 2007 15:22:16 UTC.
I got a torchic (male) and PIKACHU 3 TIMES IN A ROW (I wanted pikachu)
on Thu 28 Feb 2008 15:36:32 UTC.
I got Cubone the first time... Then I was Treeko and then Cyndaquil, on purpose. Yep.
on Tue 11 Mar 2008 21:31:21 UTC.
I got Cubone... yays!
charizard70 on Mon 31 Mar 2008 19:51:09 UTC.
This is confusing, But i'll try it.which one Charmander, cyndequil or torchic
buizeldragon on Thu 17 Apr 2008 00:33:01 UTC.
i finally got eevee. it's my favorite pokemon. most of the time i didn't get one of those questions for an eevee answer. i'm eevee now though
PKBlackTornado on Sat 14 Jun 2008 20:45:16 UTC.
I'm a Venusaur.
PinkyMagenta on Tue 12 Aug 2008 15:53:09 UTC.
I would try it, but I just finished the main story on Blue.
RHiiZZA on Mon 08 Dec 2008 18:12:07 UTC.
Im a Venasaur! YAY! And.. whats a groan inducting pun? On the quiz i put random.. lol
KEN_45 on Tue 12 May 2009 19:21:01 UTC.
i am charmender
Mr. I on Sun 13 Dec 2009 15:37:19 UTC.
I am a Machop! (Machamp)