PKMN.NET :: The Poké Radar and Chaining :: Diamond, Pearl and Platinum Pokémon
Diamond, Pearl and Platinum Pokémon: The Poké Radar and Chaining | You want some shinies, huh?
Upon completing your Sinnoh Dex, Prof. Oak will present you with the Poké Radar (and Pokétch Screen #20 to go with it as soon as you visit Pal Park). The Poké Radar works using the same magic that puts the chocolate into Coco Pops. Simply wander into a patch of grass (it won't work if you're on your bike) and use the Poké Radar and amazingly, patches of grass will start to physically shake. Simply move to one of these patches of grass and a Pokémon will appear. In general, the more aggressive the shaking, the rarer the Pokémon.

But what's so special about a stick that can make Pokémon appear when you can meet wild Pokémon anyway?

Two things actually. The first is that using the Poké Radar is the only way to meet a few Pokémon in the game. The second is that through a long-winded and time consuming process, you can meet shiny Pokémon. Yeah, I thought that might catch your attention.

Before we discuss this method of meeting shinies - known as chaining - let's have a quick look at the Pokémon you can meet exclusively using the Poké Radar, and where to go to meet them:

Nidoran (F)
Route 201
Route 221
Lake Valor
Nidoran (M)
Route 201
Route 221
Lake Valor
Route 229
Route 229
Route 225
Route 226
Route 225
Route 226
Route 211 West (Pearl only)
Route 215 South
Route 209
Route 210 South
Route 218
Route 202
Route 230
Valley Windworks
Route 222
Route 205 North (Diamond only), Fuego Ironworks
(Pearl only), Route 205 South
Route 205 North (Diamond only), Fuego Ironworks (Pearl only)
Route 204 North
Lake Acuity
Lake Valor
Lake Verity
Route 214
Route 215 (Pearl only)
Route 207 (Pearl only)
Route 212 North
Route 208
Route 211 West
Route 209
Route 210 South
Route 207 (Diamond only)
Route 214
Route 215 (Diamond only)
Route 213
Route 203
Route 204 South
Route 203
Route 204 South
Eterna Forest
Mt. Coronet
Fuego Ironworks (Diamond only)
Route 227
Stark Mountain
Route 228
Route 228
Route 211 East
Route 206
Route 210 North (Diamond only)
Route 224
Route 224
Route 216
Route 217
Lake Acuity
Route 210 North (Pearl only)


Chaining is the method used to find shinies using your Poké Radar. It refers to the finding of the same Pokémon multiple times in succession. Although it's possible to find a shiny Pokémon whenever you use the Poké Radar, the more Pokémon you manage to chain together the greater the odds of finding a shiny. When the Poké Radar detects a shiny Pokémon, it'll tell you by showing sparking stars above the patch of grass you need to wade into to meet a shiny. Shinies start to become more common when you've made a chain of around 40 Pokémon.

To chain, use the Pokéradar to find a Pokémon. If you run from the Pokémon you'll break the chain - you need to either catch it or make it faint. Following this, more patches of grass will start to shake - simply make your way to one of them, and with any luck you'll meet the same Pokémon again. This can be repeated a potentially unlimited number of times - just remember that meeting any other Pokémon than the one you're currently chaining will break the chain. Application #20 on your Pokétch will display the number of Pokémon met in your current chain, as well as your top three chains (used to show off with to anybody who probably doesn't care). This is useful to help you keep track of when you've reached the magic 40 mark. Note that as long as you don't run off, the chain will remain intact. If after reaching a chain of 40 you wish to just search for shinies, you can keep recharging and reusing the Poké Radar until you see a patch of grass containing one.

Chaining Tips

Page by Typhlosion. Updated by TheHuntBegins and Dan Dan.

Page written by Typhlosion.

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gamma ray on Tue 02 Sep 2008 10:37:50 UTC.
Me got shiny palkia from man in USA
on Tue 23 Dec 2008 10:11:18 UTC.
my chains never go longer than 4 times. i luckily migrated from my leafgreen 2 shinies. shiny unnown and beedrill :)
on Fri 26 Dec 2008 02:32:52 UTC.
omg, i got my highest chain of 48 and then it randomly broke. i never saw a shiny throughout the chain. i looked up what a shiny patch looked like and it isnt very noticible. -.-
Lady Sami on Sat 24 Jan 2009 16:08:38 UTC.
i think i am very luckky becuase with out usin a poke radar (i don't have one or the pkmn coer app) i caught a shiny bidoff someone plz tell me whether this has happened before??
absol66 on Sun 08 Feb 2009 07:56:39 UTC.
can the pokeraider work on water?
absol66 on Sun 08 Feb 2009 07:57:31 UTC.
im gonna play on diamond now
absol66 on Sun 08 Feb 2009 08:07:14 UTC.
i got a tokapi
Mangaboy on Wed 11 Mar 2009 21:19:47 UTC.
i got shiny steelix without usin the pokerader
The lynx shadow on Thu 12 Mar 2009 10:18:13 UTC.
I caught a lot of shinies with the help of those method!
absol66 on Sat 14 Mar 2009 12:26:01 UTC.
i got a action replay
oldname000-- on Mon 20 Apr 2009 00:58:18 UTC.
Hard time chaining.
caden3344 on Thu 04 Jun 2009 23:33:55 UTC.
my record is 16 floatzels
Houndour 65 on Sat 04 Jul 2009 00:15:26 UTC.
When i was in MT. Cornet, i didn't have grass there, all i found was a Green ears Clefairy, which is now a chefable. It's nickname is Moonlight now.
piplupsmefav on Tue 17 Nov 2009 08:36:03 UTC.
i havnt caught a shiny pokemon with the pokeradar at all im soo sad but i got a shiny starly without it its sooo weird
Avian on Sat 19 Dec 2009 02:40:34 UTC.
I only have a shiny Zubat and it was totally random, and I keep on trying with the pokeradar but I can't get it to work
Avian on Sat 19 Dec 2009 02:46:03 UTC.
THe Zubat is green, and I am wondering if it keeps its shinyness when it evolves
Mr. I on Sat 23 Jan 2010 18:49:24 UTC.
@ Sphealrules: Yes, it stays shiny when it evolves.
Captain Jigglypuff on Sat 23 Jan 2010 20:55:28 UTC.
The longest I've gone before was 25!
Shinymudkip on Wed 03 Feb 2010 23:00:25 UTC.
i have bidooff too
Lappy on Sun 07 Feb 2010 02:58:30 UTC.
I caught a shiny pichu in the trophy garden but it didn't like me and didn't evolve until LV. 41 so it missed learnig all it's good moves
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