PKMN.NET :: Episode Guides :: Whichever Way the Wind Blows
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Whichever Way the Wind Blows

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Master Quest
Japanese Title
Bellossom Vs Vileplume! Peace of the grassy meadow
English Title
Whichever Way the Wind Blows
AshCo are discussing how Ash only needs one more badge to qualify for the Jotoh League when suddenly Pikachu senses something. They all follow him to see what’s up and they find three Oddish looking quite weak and injured. Brock gives them some “special pokemon food” (although it is never really explained what’s so special about it, perhaps some healing properties?), which restores their strength right away. Ash wonders why they were so weak to begin with and Pikachu asks them. They say something about a hill that AshCo are near, and they go over it to come upon a huge tree. They all comment on how big it is when they see several Vileplumes and Bellossom fighting. Pikachu tries to interfere, but just gets knocked out. Ash sends out Bayleef and tells her to separate them with vine whip. It works and Ash tells them to apologize to each other. They do, but insincerely, and they all walk off, looking none too happy. A man then comes and thanks them for breaking up the fight. He then gets annoyed with the Oddish for running off and introduces himself as Steven, a man who is researching grass pokemon in this area. Lots of them live in the meadow because of the river that runs through it and because of all of the sunshine that the place gets.

They somehow end up back at Steven’s lab and Ash asks why the Vileplumes and Bellossom where fighting earlier and Steven explains that they’ve divided the meadow up into territories between Bellossom and Vileplumes. AshCo wonder why both of Gloom’s evolutions live there, as they both need stones to evolve. Steven explains that the stones are in the wind. This confuses them all and the wind starts to pick up. It’s blowing northeast, so Steven accurately predicts that some of the Gloom will evolve into Vileplumes. They ask how he knows and he says that he knows that northeasterly winds make the Gloom evolve into Vileplumes and northwesterly winds cause them to evolve into Bellossom. He has a theory that northeasterly winds contain trace amounts of leafstone and northwesterly lands contain trace amounts of sunstone. Misty comments on how it sounds like something out of a fairy tale and Steven says that unfortunately it causes an imbalance of power between the two species. The fighting starts again and this time stun spore is being used. Steven provides masks for everyone and Ash and Bayleef once again break up the fighting. The two species once again part ways on not-exactly-friendly terms. Steven says that the Oddish got tired of the fighting and left, and now there are hardly any left. AshCo then decide to make the fighting stop permanently.

JessieCo are picnicking on some sandwiches, when James complains that they didn’t get the pinwheel sandwiches that they ordered. Jessie tells him to be grateful for what they have when they get caught up in another fight between the Gloom evlolutions. They use stun spore and Jessie and James get stunned (obviously), but for some reason Meowth doesn’t. He finds Steven’s lab and manages to successfully steal some Salveo Weed (and AshCo don’t get it back!) and uses it on Jessie and James. They then wake up and Meowth suggests that they steal the grass pokemon. He imagines Giovanni waking up to see them there, and also imagines them tending his gardens. He says that he’ll be so relaxed seeing them there that he’ll give them a promotion. Jessie and James like this idea, so they then get to work.

Steven thinks that the giant tree is the problem. In the morning, the Bellossom don’t get any sunlight, so they move into the Vileplumes’ territory and fighting starts. In the afternoon the opposite happens, but with the same results. Suddenly some wind starts up, causing the Gloom to evolve into Bellossom. The Bellossom then start a fight with the Gloom and Steven says that the side that gets the new members is usually the side that starts the fighting. Bayleef and Ash break it up once again and Ash tells them that they shouldn’t fight all the time. They however just walk off again the same way as they always had – angrily. Misty makes a comment on how hopeless it seems when they notice some Bellossom and Vileplumes that aren’t interested in fighting.

Meowth wants to create a giant Bellossom robot to catch all of the Bellossom, but James wants to make a Vileplume robot to catch the Vileplumes. Jessie gets annoyed at them and says that they should make one big robot to catch all of them, when they get caught in a fight again. Wobbuffet tries to escape, but a Bellossom just pulls it back into the cartoony dust cloud. Who’s that pokemon!? It’s Arcanine!

AshCo decide that in order to solve this problem, they need to teach the Gloom evolutions that fighting isn’t right, but Ash makes a comment on how impossible that seems. Steven then announces that a big storm is headed their direction. There won’t be any rain, but lots of wind coming from the northeast. Steven says that the Vileplumes outnumbering the Bellossom might not be such a bad thing. Misty gets annoyed with him, but Steven says that if the Vileplumes win, then at least the fighting will stop, but Misty still thinks it’s unfair. When the storm arrives, lots of Gloom evolve into Vileplumes, as expected, but then the wind shifts direction, causing several Bellossom to come into being. The wind keeps changing direction, causing lots Gloom evolve into each form.

The storm is over, but the meadow is far from peaceful. The Bellossom and the Vileplumes are now about even and are about to start the fight again. AshCo and Steven try to get them to stop, but it obviously doesn’t work. However as soon as they start the battle, bombs start to fall on the meadow. Of course, it’s JessieCo, who brag about their latest high-tech weapon – a giant Vileplume robot according to James and a giant nuclear-powered Bellossom according to Meowth. However it just turns out to be a giant bag and Jessie admits that they spent all of their funds on the gas masks to protect them from the stun spore. AshCo don’t have time to worry about them however, as the fighting starts up again. Misty wants to stop them, but Brock says that the best thing to do is to just let the pokemon fight it out and realize that it won’t solve anything after they get all worn out. JessieCo decide to use the battle to their advantage and grab the pokemon while everyone is distracted with the fight. It doesn’t work very well, though, and Meowth’s masks gets knocked off in the middle of it. Jessie and James then later realize that their masks are unhooked, and they then get stunned.

The fighting eventually stops, with all of the pokemon exhausted. AshCo say point out that all that fighting didn’t get them anywhere, but the peaceful Gloom evolutions where unhurt because all they’re interested in is getting along. Meowth, however says that the only reason they aren’t fighting is because they really wanted to become the other evolution, so didn’t want to fight the side they originally wanted to join. Steven is surprised that they actually had an opinion on what they wanted to become and AshCo say that they were destined to become their evolutions and they’ve all been given a wonderful gift. Meanwhile, Jessie and James are trying to bag the worn out pokemon (the still have the Salveo Weed, so they used it to recover), so the Gloom evolutions all use their stun spore. It doesn’t affect Jessie and James because they put their masks back on, however it does affect Arbok and Victreebell. JessieCo still try to bag the some of the Gloom evolutions, so Bayleef and all of the other grass pokemon work together to send JessieCo blasting off again. Afterwards they are all dancing in circles and all of the good guys make preachy comments on how wrong fighting is and how everyone should just get along. They all say their goodbyes as AshCo walk off into the sunset.

This episode guide has been written by kim rh.

Characters appearing in this episode







Ash's Pikachu

Pokémon appearing in this episode

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