PKMN.NET :: US Lv 50 Dragonite Event This November! :: News
US Lv 50 Dragonite Event This November! :: News
Reported by Angelic Lapras King on Sun 12 Oct 2008 15:01:59 UTC
Last updated by Angelic Lapras King on Mon 01 Dec 2008 16:29:51 UTC
Section: Diamond, Pearl and Platinum

A wha-?

This news item is more than 45 days old. Updates are unlikely and newer information may already be available.

That's right, on November 8th and 9th during the times of 12pm till 4pm, Toys-R-Us stores in America are offering a Level 50 Dragonite for your Diamond and Pearl games!


So its not exactly a Mew, Celebi, Shaymin or whatever, but it's Level 50! Normally Dragonair does not evolve until Level 55, so this Dragonite is allowed in Level 50 Official Tournaments. It's moveset is unknown, but apparently it will know some moves it doesn't at Level 50, making it even more special! If anyone US PKMN.NET-ers are going to this event, why not tell us how it went?

And who knows? Maybe you can hug someone in a Lance costume too? Dragon type fans never had it better...

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Bulbaboi444 on Sun 12 Oct 2008 15:15:42 UTC.
lol strange event I have to say
on Sun 12 Oct 2008 15:30:08 UTC.
Strange, but awesome - Dragonite is pwn. Shame I can't find my Diamond version D:
Arcanine-Blitz on Sun 12 Oct 2008 16:08:29 UTC.
I don't understand why they don't use the Mystery Gift WiFi feature??
Sappy on Sun 12 Oct 2008 16:40:53 UTC.
meh just a way to advertise ranger 2 :p hopefully a UK one... what?! Yes I know its only a dargonite .___.
RachelPiplupLover on Sun 12 Oct 2008 17:36:07 UTC.
Okayyyy A dragonite? Random..but maybe it's some kinda fan favourite and it was asked for?
on Sun 12 Oct 2008 17:55:26 UTC.
Join us next month when the US gets a Shiny Magikarp! Hurray for giving the US everything and anything Pokémon related!
Richard and Blaziken on Sun 12 Oct 2008 18:38:18 UTC.
Well... this is certainly an odd choice. I'll definately be there, so I'll be getting two of these special Dragonites, and will probably keep one at level 50, just for the bragging rights. I'll also be resetting for nature and IVs on these, if they're given away via the man in the Pokemart, which I assume they will be.
Webby on Sun 12 Oct 2008 19:05:21 UTC.
I'm hoping we get them in the UK at some point... just incase I don't get a Dragonite in my Pokedex before then. xD And so I can confuzzle people with my underlevelled powers. :D
Sizacu on Sun 12 Oct 2008 19:14:45 UTC.
Why US, not the UK ; - ; Well, I guess it's special, so I'd wish I could get it :
on Sun 12 Oct 2008 21:51:33 UTC.
I fully support this kind of promotional monster-- It sure is a change of pace from shiny-for-the-sake-of-shiny and/or can't-catch-without-cheating monsters... all those Pkmn NY ones aside. Plus, I never really raised a Dratini all the way to a Dragonite, so this'd be pretty neat! Now if only they release a promo Dozhydon in the future... I mean, Rhyperior. ._.;
on Sun 12 Oct 2008 21:56:47 UTC.
Wait a minute.... any chance this Dragonite'll have BARRIER? That'd make me a happy Pokémon fan. :
baths on Mon 13 Oct 2008 00:58:49 UTC.
Okay, good thing I live in the US. :)
Pokeapache on Mon 13 Oct 2008 01:20:15 UTC.
Okay, list of things to do: 1. pray I get a new DS for my birthday... 2. after obtaining said DS, tell parents about upcoming event 3. convince parents to take me to get said Dragonite 4. after convincing, start hoping I'll get a decent nature / moveset 4. get said dragonite! 5. shout in glee, for i've always been too lazy to get my own dragonite xD ...yeaah. I can't wait |D
on Mon 13 Oct 2008 11:00:06 UTC.
>> I miss all of the events. Sounds pretty cool though =D
shadowdude on Mon 13 Oct 2008 12:07:59 UTC.
monstermon... who hasnt trained a dratini into a dragonite its 100% worth it
Kona on Mon 13 Oct 2008 15:00:41 UTC.
This event seems like a Saikyou. =O English language Saikyou's! That would be awesome!
Deathmore on Mon 13 Oct 2008 15:50:12 UTC.
I'll be able to get it even if it's US only, with a little thing called a computer
on Mon 13 Oct 2008 17:47:05 UTC.
Because computers can do everything now-a-days.
Misanthropy on Mon 13 Oct 2008 18:35:10 UTC.
ebay it, you'll find someone who will trade you one over wifi for as little as $7 (£4) personally I'd only do that for ubers
Freestyler on Mon 13 Oct 2008 19:03:15 UTC.
i most definetly won't be there
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