PKMN.NET :: Sentret
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Hi cutist Sentret ever!!! I was just wondering how to get a Togapi on diamond

Sentret thinks like you need to go to one of the last routes and as it likes really the beeping thingy use that...?
Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Diamond, Pearl and Platinum !!! Isn't that kewl???

What level will pikachu learn volt takle? please anser! (I know I cant spell that well!)

Uhh... Sentret thinks not at all but that it like needs some breeding through-help?
Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Diamond, Pearl and Platinum !!! Isn't that kewl???

Is it true that you can trade for mew on my pokemon ranch?

Sentret really doesn't like have ever thought you could?