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Mewtwo Strikes Back

Pikachu's Vacation

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As you'd expect with big releases like this a number of books and comics have come out about the movie. I am basing this section on American stuff as I am not sure if its come out in UK/ Is coming out.

MEWTWO STRIKES BACK COMICS Number: 1 from Viz comics

mewtwostrikesback1.JPG (31409 bytes) This is brilliant. Each frame is taken from the movie, only Viz have added colour coded speech bubbles to each picture. When Mewtwo thinks to himsellf, the mood is correct, with the slightly darker feel of the film. Here are scans:

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Mewtwo Strikes Back- The Novelisation, Tracey West

This book is good, but not as good as the above. The problem with it is it is INCREDIBLY easy to read, its slightly harder toread than 'Jets' books...Pictures coming as soon as I can find the book.

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