Enigma, Team Building Moderator
I'm Enigma (though better known as Tim in most places - most notably the real world) and I am the current Team Building moderator. It is, as yet, unknown how I got the position, as I have proved my ability (or lack of it) at competitive battling repeatedly, yet still the Powers That Be assure me I'm the best person for the job - that, or they just haven't realised I'm still on the staff list. Oh well. (And for those that want serious information, I'm doing a Creative Writing Degree at Derby University and I used to work at Hastings Direct. And that's all the seriousness you'll ever get from me.)
Responsibilities on PKMN.NET: Sorting the Tyraniboahs from the Crocunes. Oh, and rounding up the odd BoltBeam if it escapes the Metagame.