Trading Card Game |
Hi. Welcome to PKMN.NET's TCG section.

These are the TCG sets currently recognised by PKMN.NET:

Base102 cards
Jungle64 cards
Fossil62 cards
Base Set 2130 cards
Team Rocket83 cards
Gym Heroes132 cards
Gym Challenge132 cards
Southern Islands18 cards
Neo Genesis110 cards
Neo Discovery75 cards
Neo Revelation66 cards
Neo Destiny113 cards
Legendary Collection110 cards
Expedition165 cards
Aquapolis186 cards
Skyridge182 cards
EX: Ruby & Sapphire109 cards
EX: Sandstorm98 cards
EX: Dragon100 cards
EX: Team Magma Vs Team Aqua97 cards
EX: Hidden Legends102 cards
EX: FireRed & LeafGreen116 cards
EX: Team Rocket Returns111 cards
EX: Deoxys108 cards
EX: Emerald107 cards
EX: Unseen Forces117 cards
Unown Subset28 cards
EX: Delta Species114 cards
EX: Legend Maker93 cards
EX: Holon Phantoms111 cards
EX: Crystal Guardians100 cards
EX: Dragon Frontiers101 cards
EX: Power Keepers108 cards
DP: Diamond & Pearl130 cards
DP: Mysterious Treasures124 cards
DP: Secret Wonders132 cards
DP: Great Encounters106 cards
DP: Majestic Dawn100 cards
DP: Legends Awakened146 cards
DP: Stormfront106 cards
PL: Platinum133 cards
PL: Rising Rivals120 cards
PL: Supreme Victors153 cards
PL: Arceus102 cards
Arceus Subset9 cards
HS: HeartGold & SoulSilver124 cards
HS: Unleashed96 cards
HS: Undaunted91 cards
HS: Triumphant103 cards
Call of Legends106 cards
Black & White115 cards
BW: Emerging Powers98 cards
5th Movie Vs Promo Set20 cards
Miscellaneous Promos6 cards