Brock's having another one of his moments...
Submitted by RachelPiplupLover
- Brock: So how do you ladies feel about threesomes? by laironlover77
- Brock: Nurse Joy! I got a Happiny in Sinnoh! I'll evolve it into Chansey and yours and mine can make beautiful Happinys together! Joy: ... Brock, Chansey are always female. Brock: I KNOW! Isn't that HAWT?! Jenny: O.O Joy: ... Don't come near my Chansey. by ShiraBliss
- 2 Girls, 1 Brock. by jungty
- Brock: If I fuse a Jenny and a Joy together, I could make one SUPER BABE! by Angelic Lapras King
- Jenny and Joy are actually Jessie and James in disguise. Geez Brock will regret it the next morning. by Voltorb2005
- Jenny: If you undo just one more button, you're nicked mister. by Voltorb2005
- Brock: See these fists? I can shove both of them in my mouth. by laironlover77
- Brock: I'm not wearing any UNDERWEAR today!!! ;D by Utack and Swampy
- Nurse Joy: Look at his eyes... Officer Jenny: Shh! Ash told us not to bring that up! by sunshine188
- Brock: I LIKE PEOPLE OF THE FEMALE GENDER! :D Joy and Jenny: D: by laironlover77
- Brock used attract. It doesnt affect Joy or Jenny... by Voltorb2005
- *poof* Brock: yes! My teleportation worked! Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny are mine! by laironlover77
- Brock: Kay girls, which hand has the coin? by Angelic Lapras King
- After that night, Brock was never allowed at the local cinema again... by Angelic Lapras King
- Well, its taken him 12 years of trying and Brock STILL is trying to get with Jenny and Joy. Brock, seriously, try by Voltorb2005
- Brock: Awesome! Now kiss each other! by jagabor
- Joy: Hasnt he given up yet? Jenny: No, and after 12 seasons, its unlikely he will either. by Voltorb2005
- And with that, Brock was faced with the difficult decision of nurse or cop. by laironlover77
- Brock somehow managed to get Joy and Jenny to go out with him. He clearly hasn't realized he was just imagining it all yet. by lugia95