Submitted by AlanaPasco
- May: 'I'msmilingbecauseyouhaven'tfoundthebodiesyet!' :D by ShiraBliss
- ... that is totally May's "I just killed Pikachu!" face by ShiraBliss
- Ash: "Hm... I haven't seen Brock in a while... Hey May, have you seen Brock-" May: "BROCK, WUTBROCK? THERE'SNOBROCKINTHISJAR!" Ash: .-.;; "Um... okay then..." *inches away* by ShiraBliss
- May: I've got a jar of dirt! I've got a jar of dirt! I've got a jar of dirt! And guess what's inside it! :D disturb me. by SkyForme
- I'm sure this was all part of May's elaborate plot to kill Ash and assume the lead role in Pokemon... or may be not. by Umby2000
- May: I gotta a vase of dirt~ I gotta vase of dirt~! by ShiraBliss
- May: Look Ash! I've found an urn to put you in! Geddit? by Angelic Lapras King
- Ash: ...please don't tell me this is Misty's replacement... by Angelic Lapras King
- Hey ash I got some Pot in here by olololololol
- And people wondered why May was replaced. by Umby2000
- Ash: Gee, May, your hips and leg sure look awkward in this caption... by ShiraBliss
- Smash this vase on your head? What on earth are you talking about? by SpinningDynamo
- 5 seconds earlier = May: 'Once this vase kills Ash I'LL be #1 on this show! Collision in 3, 2, 1-' Ash: "May, what are you doing?" by ShiraBliss
- Ash, finally using his dusty-ol' brain, just realized that nearly every May caption is her being absolutely nutty... by ShiraBliss
- May found a Vase! (Da-da-da-DAAA!) ...Oh come on, that Link reference was begging to pop up sooner or later! by MzLuluZombi
- ...And yet this still makes more sense than a Lady Gaga music video. by MzLuluZombi
- May wasn't very good at Musical Statues. Ash on the other hand... by Umby2000
- Ash was wishing he'd stayed in Kanto right about now... by Umby2000
- And the Mysterious Vase Smasher was unmasked for all to see. by Umby2000