Pikachu with Ash's body
Submitted by RachelPiplupLover
- Ash: Transformers, COMBINE! Pikachu: Wrong show, Ash. by Ellipse
- The dangers of hacking... by
- Pikachu: I was once a human. Partner: *Mental Image* by Nightmare Eater
- Ash: Those Lotad men don't stand a chance in the costume contest now that I've got this awesome Pikachu mask! by Ellipse
- Pikachu: Check it out guys! I'm wearing Ash's hat. And since I'm a Pokemon, and I can't capture my own kind, my dream is to catch all people. by
- Sometimes Pokemorphs just don't work out right. by Danatales
- Be one with you're Pokemon takes a whole new level. by Fpb2014
- Finally I got my epic photo pose ready....OH COME ON....PIKACHU WHY DID YOU RUIN IT! by yukithewhitewolf
- Apparently Dr. Frankenstein's new experiment to make the perfect Pokemon-Trainer went wrong.... by Captain Jigglypuff
- Looks like someone has their halloween costume! by SirBlaziken
- Bill, if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, quit sending people through your Teleporter!!! by Utack and Swampy
- Ash: I have to save Pikachu! Team Rocket: No Ash, you ARE Pikachu. And then Ash was Pikachu. by ~pika-chan~
- Ash: I need a new job. Maybe Nickelodeon has new applications. by Fpb2014
- Ash: I knew trying out Bills machine would be a bad idea... by BGY98
- Ash:I knew there was something off about that plastic surgeon by yukithewhitewolf
- ...Once again, the Human Centipede sickens everybody. by RedFox
- For Halloween, Ash and Pikachu decided to go dressed as each other. by Danatales
- Pikachu is Ash's defense from the falling hail. by
- I bet we could find a hundred ways to say something wrong about this picture. Not that it's hard by StormtheBuizel
- And thus, Ash's holiday snap was ruined by a mischevious Pikachu. by