Submitted by XonSuprimes
- May: I don't think it's a good idea to touch the idol, Ash.... Ash: oh relax. What's the worst that could happen? *Giant boulder flattens Ash* by Captain Jigglypuff
- Wow, something I shouldn't touch! by SomeFancyCashews
- Ash is touching the idol? He's going to die now.... by Captain Jigglypuff
- Insert Indiana Jones Joke Here by DeathByAbsol
- Trading a moving, breathing pikachu for a stone one? Sounds awesome! by SirBlaziken
- Of course it was foreshadow. It foreshadowed how rare amiibos are and the lengths that people will go to get one. by SirBlaziken
- And it was at this moment PETA came in and shut the whole franchise down. by SirBlaziken
- Pikachu: And they called THAT a Pikachu?! Pffft! I'm obviously cuter than THAT! by Captain Jigglypuff
- Why is the chinese character for soup carved into the wall? by SirBlaziken
- Ash and friends found their way into an abandoned Nintendo building and discovered the first Amiibo design. by Loginfinity
- Does anybody else see Brock hiding in the background? by meganiumtrainer
- Does anybody else see how it looks like May is eating the stone Pikachu? No? Just me? by meganiumtrainer
- It's the rarest amiibo! Dang it Ash! That was mine! T_T by SirBlaziken
- Wow! Two Pikachus! by SuperMKWiipro