Submitted by RachelPiplupLover
- Me: Didn't know THAT was in my closet! by laironlover77
- 1...2... and Poof! Butch forgot Hetrosexuality and learned Fly! by
- Butch: I have great news! I just saved a bunch of money by switching to Geico! Cassidy (Screaming): AND THAT'LL HELP US GET ALL OF THE POKEMON THAT ESCAPED FROM OUR DAYCARE SCHEME HOW?!!! Butch: Uh... We saved 15% each month? *Cassidy grabs a mallet and whacks Butch on the head* by Captain Jigglypuff
- Butch finally enters the Caption Contest... and wants to shine! by Webby
- You know, maybe Team Rocket should just stop doing commercials in general. by laironlover77
- Butch: I've changed my name to Jimmy! More people can remeber that! Cassidy: You got that right, Jerry. by laironlover77
- Butch: OMG, my nails are just fabulous. Cassidy: Why... why did I get stuck with this guy...? by laironlover77
- Butch: Come back, James, come back! by laironlover77
- Butch: My glove is Magnificent! Utack:...Yeah, but you have green hair... Butch: My hair is Magnificent too!!! by Utack and Swampy
- I am soooooo much more beautiful than Jessie :P by Zapink the Electrike
- Stun Spore has be known to have hallucinogenic effects on some people. by
- Butch might be enjoying himself now, but wait until the hangover kicks in. by
- Butch: Wow, my hand is pretty. by laironlover77
- -WANTED: Team Rocket member Biff. Crime: Stealing Edgeworth's hair and changing its colour.- "IT'S BUTCH!" by MzLuluZombi
- Butch suffers the consequences of overdosing on LSD. Butch: Whoah... pretty colours, maan... Duuuuude... have you ever noticed that fingers are like legs for your hands? I'm freakin out maaaan... preeetty cooolours... by the mudkip tamer
- Butch is more into fashion than being evil by Zapink the Electrike
- I am so shiny...and fabulous! by Zapink the Electrike
- After hearing someone get his name right for once, Bob celebrates in his own way. by
- Finally, someone got Butch's name right. by laironlover77