Tracey is just a travelling boy that sketches and watches Pokemon and is also classified as a Pokemon watcher. He is very skilled in the art of pokemon and art itself. He started travelling with Ash and Misty not long after Brock left because they told him they knew Prof. Oak and he admired Prof. Oak.
He appeared in only one and a half movies and appeared in one season of the actual show.
He just found Ash and Misty while they were helping out a Lapras being bullied, he complimented on Ash's Pokemon in the way they fought and the way they looked. He is also quite essential as his Marill and Venonat are useful in detecting things and his knowledge of the Orange Islands.
By Pokefrenzy
Tracey's Pokémon
Appears from The Lost Lapras
Appears from The Crystal Onix
Appears from Tracey Gets Bugged
Episode appearances
The Mandarin Island Miss Match
Game Appearances
No game appearances logged
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