We've gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this game.
This section is part of the following section: Black and White.
Battle Subway Beat 7 Trainers in a row before you reach Westminster (15880 views)
BW EV Training Guide Trainers gonna Train. (60594 views)
The New Experience Formula Serious Math is Serious (25232 views)
Battle Testing One-two, one-two (7801 views)
Combination Attacks Innit (8395 views)
Elite Four AKA The Elite Four Plus One (11503 views)
Gyms No running machines, tragically (11733 views)
Move Tutors You still can't teach Wurmple Draco Meteor (14270 views)
N's Castle And the Hogwarts rivalry (15739 views)
New Attacks A list of the new Attacks your little monsters might feel like using (22001 views)
Nimbasa City Sports Hall Macho Macho Brace. I've gotta use, a Macho Brace. (10262 views)
Rival Battles Blood and guts at the ready! (19949 views)
Special Trainers No, not the running shoes. (9202 views)
TMs and HMs FMs are yet to make it big (9723 views)
Triple and Rotation Battles Une, deux, trois (11163 views)
Updated Abilities Hax: The Opponent starts making excuses you can LOL at (6900 views)
Wonder Launcher Praise the Lord! (9568 views)