Welcome, all Pokémon fans! If you like Pokémon, PKMN.NET is the place to be! If you don't, leave. PKMN.NET is strictly a Pokémon zone! Pokémon fans of any age are allowed- not just 10 year-olds; some members are 18! Also, you don't have to be from the UK; there are probably just as many Americans as Britons if not more. You can be from ANYWHERE in the world!
We have tonnes of information on Pokémon games, animé, news and other Poké-stuff. Also, there are opportunities for members to submit your knowledge, stories and pictures. There are countless places to tell us you opinions and you can make comments on EVERY PAGE OF CONTENT! Plus you can communicate with Pokémon fans around the world! HOW COOL IS THAT!? However, to get the proper experience from this site, you have to be a registered member.
Registering is easy, although you must have a valid e-mail address. However, registering lets you make comments, post on forums, submit stories, use the PKMN.NET instant message (IM or PM) system and even customise how the site looks, play music, etc.
Here is your guide to each of the different sections:-
If you are a member, get the latest Pokémon news from the PKMN.NET home page. You can comment on articles or even submit your own!
We have more info than you can imagine on the various Pokémon games. If there's anything immportant missed out, it's either very new of non-existant. There is tons of EXTREMELY useful info on Ruby and Sapphire. There are enough strategy guides (not all of them walkthroughs) on Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver and Crystal to fill up ten Snorlax. There is also info on all other Pokémon games such as Stadium. In the Moveset Clinic, you can show other users your movesets (sets of moves you give Pokémon) and comment on others' movsets! The Name Rater will comment on Pokémon nicknames. There isn't any more but all that is enough to keep you busy until Ash actually becomes a Master (it's a joke, laugh).
PKMN.NET's animé section has enough info to feed Ash and his Snorlax put together. There are highly detailed episode guides to many episodes. There is also many other snippets of animé info, such as lyrics to Pokémon songs, character bios, pictures, etc.
- The TCG Index lets you comment on Pokémon Trading Card Game (TGC) cards. There are also scans of loads of cards.
- You can buy stuff from Amazon through PKMN.NET. There's also endless amounts of other Poké stuff to read here. Enough to fill Lawrence III's flying ship.
Get info on new cool gadgets from Nintendo.
Submit Pokémon stories and comment on others'.
This is where true Pokémon fans communicate with other fans. There are different sections for games, animé, TGC, providing feedback on PKMN.NET and non-Pokémon stuff. Most of the members are very friendly.
If you are new to forums or message boards, here's how they work:
- There are many topics or threads in each forum. If you want to talk about that topic or reply to what someone has said, click on 'reply', type your text and click 'Post'. You must not talk about anything unrelated to the topic. Start a new thread for that.
- If there are no threads about what you wish to discuss (CHECK FIRST!), go to 'new topic'. Fill in the subject box, type you post and click 'Post'. You may reply to your own topics. You may also stop others from replying by clicking the lock/unlock button to close or lock the topic. Click on the same button to unlock it. However, moderators of the forum can also lock your topic (or anyone else's) and if that happens you cannot unlock it. You cannot reply to a locked topic.
- Each post must be three words or longer. There must be no insulting or swearing in the text. You may not advertise other sites unless it is relevant to the discussion. You may not say anything immoral, racist, or of a sexual content, harassing etc. OR ANTI-POK�MON! You may not talk about other sites. You may not post pointless, irritating messages (spam). All topics must be placed in the appropriate forum. If you have a problem with these rules contact the admins privately.
- You may modify your post by clicking on the modify button or delete it by clicking on the delete button. Moderators can also modify and delete others' posts. To quote from somebody in your reply, click on the quote button on the post you wish to quote.
- To send someone a private message (PM or IM), click on that person's name and click on 'Send this member a private message'. Type your text then send it. To view messages you have received, click on where it says x messages at the top of the screen (if you are in the forums). To delete a message click delete, or click the big delete button at the top to delete all messages. You can also send messages by clicking on 'new message' and typing the recipiant's USERNAME (not always the screen name displayed on the forums) in the appropriate box. If you want to only talk to certain people, do it through PM and not in the main forums.
To contact the administrators, e-mail them at admin@pkmn.net. I'm Simon Togetic and I'll see you on the forums (if I'm online, of course!). Feel free to conact me through PM (my username is Simon Togetic as well) or e-mail me at sok188@yahoo.co.uk.
Page written by Psythor.
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