Some Pokemon, such as Whismur, Loudred and Exploud, have an ability called Soundproof. This means that any "Sound Based Attacks" just won't work against them. The following are all the "Sound Based Attacks":
Grasswhistle, Growl, Heal Bell, Hyper Voice, Metal Sound, Perish Song, Roar, Sing, Supersonic, Screech, Snore, Uproar.
Pick up
Some Pokemon, such as Zigzagoon and Linoone, have an ability called Pickup. Thsi means that at the end of a battle, the Pokemon may pick up an item of the floor. You have to frequently check to see if your Pokemon is holding anything after each battle. These are the items that you can get:
Items Found Often: Super Potion
Items Found Sometimes: Ultra Ball, Full Restore, Full Heal, Nugget, Revive, Rare Candy
Items Found Rarely: Protein, PP Up
Items Found Very Rarely: King's Rock
Thanks to Typhlosion for this!
Page written by Psythor.
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