Even though this is widely available on VHS, it seems it is now banned in the US because of Nastina's use of the bazooka! Those crazy censors...
Even if it is banned, it's still available on this video!
Page written by Psythor.
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i have the video i have had it for a long time :p
i saw this episode on tv you cant say they banned it
i saw it too
i saw it too oh yeah go4it is my older brother
i have the video too
yeah it was on tv.
You saw it on TV because its not banned in the UK, only in America
Huh... I have that one. I can remember part of it. Not really the part with the bazooka.
I have it, so why is it banned?
i havnt seen it. is it the one with all the chipmunks?
I've been saw it.
heh, so the 1st part of this 2 episode story is banned in the UK, and the 2nd in the US! How funny!
the banned it because the original name of ts ep. was 'Tower of Terror' & it was banned because of 1.the bazooka & 2.the 911 attack. (Tower of Terror, 911? You get it right?)
whoops, sorry, wrong episode...
I had this episode. Wow this episode is very violent!!!
Jessie uses a Bazooka in "the ghost of maidens peak" and that wuznt banned.
BLAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOO!!!!! yaknow... peeps in the uk like you, R.S., don' want dat...
I don't see anything in the Netflix version unless they edited the swears or censors out.Post Your Comments