The object of this tournament is to teach any reader the outlook of the metagame, and also to give the more experience metagame battlers something interesting to read. The object of the debates is to prove which Pokemon is better out of the two that are debating, and the things to factor in are facts as well as logic, and the tiers that of which the debate is assigned to.
The rules are as follows;
- No more than three posts in your topic; double posts don't count. By this, I mean, if your first post were to exceed 10,000 characters, then (as well as lowering the number of characters in your argument) you may post again and it will not count towards the limit
- No posting in another debate unless you're staff, me, or one of the debaters
- No false information
- PKMN.NET's rules still apply here.
- You may use any source, as long as it doesn't have any false information
- You can edit your post until the first moment your opponent comes online, or with permission from a judge
- NO personal experience
A problem faced throughout was people constantly dropping out, either due to incompetence, internet problems, inactivity, or real life problems. The following people dropped out of the tournament;
- Dane (inactivity; replaced by Shaun Ogg)
- Shaun Ogg (Internet problems, Round 1; no replacement)
- SCM (Incompetence; replaced by Hicky)
- Kit (not notifying Ike of long vacation; replaced by Rex even though she already made one post)
- The Wroth (incompetence, as I am led to believe for now; replaced by Philbert)
- Hicky (inactivity for five days; no replacement)
- Philbert (Personal life; replaced by Abael)
Another problem faced was a shortage of judges, even if it was only for one debate. The fact that two judges decided that CrystalScizor10 won his initial debate wasn't much of a problem; the fact that only one judge voted in Dan Hibiki/Ike's debate until about a month later was a major problem. Due to this, Ike went searching for judges since The Wroth, Rex, and Raph didn't want to judge the debate (mainly due to its length and the fact that it was too good a debate), so CrystalScizor10 was hired and Round 2 started the next day.
Finally, we'll get to some other stuff about the tournament.
The Competitors
- Vanguard Ike (Lost)
- Shaun Ogg (Lost)
- Showbiz (Won)
- Philbert (Won - Replaced by Abael in Round 2)
- Hicky (Lost)
- Rex (Lost)
- Alex (Won)
- Dan Hibiki (Won)
The Matches in Round 1
- Showbiz (Pidgeot) vs
Hicky (Lickitung)
- Philbert (Hitmonlee) vs
Shaun Ogg (Kangaskhan)
- Dan Hibiki (Gyarados) vs
Ike (Milotic)- 2-0
Rex (Kyogre)vs Alex (Groudon) - 2-0
The Matches in Round 2
- Showbiz (Regice) vs Dan Hibiki (Blissey)
- Abael (Tyranitar) vs Alex (Metagross)
Round 1 Judges
- Lord Raven
- The Wroth
- Philbert
- Rex
- Raph
Round 2 Judges
- Ike
- Abael
- Raph
Sadly, the tournament has been given up on for two of the judges are not active, nor are many of the competitors due to summer work. But it was a nice try on Ike's part. And like he'd say, "gg".
Page written by Lord Raven.
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