Kay's and Peter's Birthdays!
On this wet October day, we need something to feel good about. Say, a birthday. Actually, make it two. That's even better.
On this wet October day, we need something to feel good about. Say, a birthday. Actually, make it two. That's even better.
Mew Giveaway this month
Yes, from 15 to 30 October, Mew, the little rare pink thing will be given away over wifi! It will be available for HeartGold and SoulSilver only.
Yes, from 15 to 30 October, Mew, the little rare pink thing will be given away over wifi! It will be available for HeartGold and SoulSilver only.
11th UK Anniversary of Pokemon!
Today makes 11 years since Red and Blue touched UK soil, while yesterday marked 50 years of The Flintstones! Any excuse to celebrate and party!
Today makes 11 years since Red and Blue touched UK soil, while yesterday marked 50 years of The Flintstones! Any excuse to celebrate and party!