In Ruby and Sapphire your Pokémon will have to be even more multi-talented- and careful than before. Amazing new details within.
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According to the latest edition of the Japanese magazine Corocoro, the "world" that Ruby and Sapphire will be set in will be called Houen.To add to this news, it looks like in RS there will be at least five contests for your Pokémon, which are said to be Appearance, Beauty, Cuteness, Strength and Wisdom. Does this mean that each and every Pokémon will have 5 new hidden stats for all the above categories? Will a Pokémon's ability in those categories effect battle?
We don't know if that will effect battle, but it looks like the Pokémon characteristics, or the species as some call it, will cause extra damage and effects. Pokémon Forever, the source of this news uses using Tackle against Samehader, which has "fishskin". If tackle is used, there will be the equivilent of recoil damage.
The question now is that: Is characteristic the same as species? In this reporters opinion, I hope not! If they have to use species on the original 251, there will not be anything added to the Pokémon with species descriptions like "tiny turtle".
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