PUK has recieved unconfirmed details regarding the 5th Pokémon film from a reliable source. Click more, for more, surprisingly.
This news item is more than 45 days old. Updates are unlikely and newer information may already be available.
It looks like the 5th film will be called "Pokémon Heroes", and will be released in 2003. In America, that is.As expected, the film will be distributed by Miramax- probably on a limited release again.
Perhaps most excitingly, the cinema release could be as early as 16th May 2003. The Matrix Reloaded will be released the week after.
I know what I'll be going to see. This has not been confirmed by Nintendo, 4Kids or Miramax but has been posted on major movies site, hollywood.com.
Thanks to Jeremy Barkdull
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