After a few years of absense, Pokémon "Road Shows" are returning to the British Isles in the form of Vimto. British fans cannot afford to miss this. Click for more! Updated
This news item is more than 45 days old. Updates are unlikely and newer information may already be available.
Update 13/6Lapras King tells me that the NOM "crew" will be joining them in September!
This summer, Nintendo will be teaming up with Vimto, the company behind various soft drinks to promote Ruby/Sapphire, which is out in Britain on July 25th. It will be called "Pokémon Live 2003", not to be confused with the musical of a similar name.
The promotion will span all Vimto packs- and if when the ringpull is... pulled, an inflatable Pokémon pops out, you'll win a holiday to New York, including a one minute trolleydash around the Pokémon Center (I think the machines that give out free Pokémon are bolted to the wall, unfortunately). You can also save up tokens and get a GBA carry case.
Anyway, the main point: There will be a Pokémon "Roadshow" going to Asda's, Toys 'r' Us's and Tesco's around the country in July, August and September, and on the "rig", there is a "giant Vimto can portal through which kids enter a zone dome. " (you did read that correctly), where you can play the new Pokémon games, find out about the 100-odd new monsters, and do some battling with upto four players.
Of course, PUK will keep you posted with details or where and when this happens, as well as if PUK will be there- we'll try and get as much representation as we can. Nearer the time, I might make a series of printable logos and business cards, so any PUK extremists who are going, can print them off and hand out our propaganda.
Also, if you're looking to buy Ruby/Sapphire, you always could via PUK and help keep us going in the process- just click the links below:
Thanks to everyone who contacted me to tell me about this- there were a few, and I can't remember all the names.
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