Finally the day everyone has been waiting for has arrived- Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, the third generation of Pokémon games have arrived in Europe- with an unexpectedly large advertising campaign.
This news item is more than 45 days old. Updates are unlikely and newer information may already be available.
It's funny really- once you reach the big day, you've prepared so much you don't really know what to say. Its out- go and buy it!Of course, it's worth noting that if you want more information or help with your new games then PUK is the place to be- we've got around 80 pages dedicated to Ruby and Sapphire guides and information and are well worth checking out. You can find that here.
Also, if for some obscure reason you don't currently have one of the games in your possession, but you like to get it- why not buy via PUK? It'll give us a little bit of cash so we can bring you the best possible service.
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