The official Japanese Fire Red/Leaf Green site has released some new screenshots of the fourthcoming RBY remake.
This news item is more than 45 days old. Updates are unlikely and newer information may already be available.
Pokejello has kindly tried to translate some of the information for us. Here's what we found out, although its worth noting this may be a pack of lies.
Apparently, the exciting screenshot above is of a help program- as the name suggests, this tells you about trainers and stuff. Apparently.
There might be some sort of flashbacks in black and white, where you can see previous things. Seems quite bizarre really.
When you goto caves and forest, there is a pretty pictorial view of the action.
The Pokédex is apparently better than ever, with it showing you Pokémon locations, what you've caught, and a split screen multi-Pokémon lark.
Gary is your rival again! And Oak's back too, of course.
Here are some more screenshots, that might be related to the above. Frankly, we're too lazy to figure out what it all means.
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