British retailer "GAME" have posted release dates for the two 'Cube Pokémon games on their website. These could be real, or could be a big lie like Amazon tend to do. UPDATED WITH REAL DATES
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Apparently, Pokémon Colosseum will be out in Europe on 19th May- that's not the second anniversary of the Gamecube's UK release, and not the fourth anniversary of the London Stock Exchange and German stock exchange planned to merge (although that never happend).Pokémon Channel, which the French might call "Pokémon Manche" (keyword: might), will allegedly be out on 2nd April- not 31 years after Nixon admitted he was a bit of a pillock in Watergate.
More as we get it.
Thanks to Lapras King, the undemocratically elected leader of Lapras branded Pokémon, and ste619.
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