Apparently TV Tokyo, the Japanese TV channel that show Pokémon have "indefinately suspended" the latest episode of Pokémon from broadcast.
This news item is more than 45 days old. Updates are unlikely and newer information may already be available.
The episode in question apparently featured an unspecified Pokémon running about underground, causing earthquakes on the surface- something that wouldn't have seemed particually tasteful to the people that found themselves in an earthquake that hit northern Japan. It measured 6.1 on the Richter scale- which an expert would tell you is "really, really big".There was a so-called "aftershock" Earthquake measuring "only" 4.2 a short while afterwards.
The episode in question which was due to be broadcast on November 4th will now be replaced with Japanese people experiencing pain for displaying their ignorance, driving small cars and taking part in other cliched stereotypes.
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