Pokémon Advance Versions...
The new Pokémon Advance versions will be called Pokémon Earth/Fire/Wind
The new Pokémon Advance versions will be called Pokémon Earth/Fire/Wind
Pokémon 2000 on Sky Premier
The second Pokémon film will be shown on Sky Premier - this Sunday!
The second Pokémon film will be shown on Sky Premier - this Sunday!
Amazing GBA and Anime News!
New Pokémon names for the english version of Pokémon Advance, and the 4th Pokémon movie gets a dub title!
New Pokémon names for the english version of Pokémon Advance, and the 4th Pokémon movie gets a dub title!
Nintendo Gamecube
While here in the UK we are all deciding what colour Gamecube to get, the lucky people in Japan have a 3rd choice, A Gamecube that plays DVDS!
While here in the UK we are all deciding what colour Gamecube to get, the lucky people in Japan have a 3rd choice, A Gamecube that plays DVDS!