Alongside the plot for the nineth Pokémon Movie, the three shadows we previously saw have been revealed!
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Take a deep breath.Now look at this poster for the nineth Pokémon Movie (entitled "Pokémon Ranger and the Prince of the Sea - Manafi!").
Spot anything interesting?
Yes, I know May's lost her bandana.
Anything else?
Ah yes. Those three Pokémon.
This little fellow is called Tamanta. I challenge anyone to come up with a reason why this is not a pre-evolution of Mantine.
This is Perappu. Presumably he (or she) is some sort of musical parrot.
Finally, this is Buizeru. He appears to be some sort of weasel.
Now, the trailer on the official site suggests a plot line involving pirates searching for an underwater shrine, which aside from containing loads and loads of treasure, is the home of the Prince of the Sea - our old new friend Manafi. As usual, Ash attempts to stop the bad guys, this time with the help of the local Pokémon Ranger, rumoured to be named Jackie.
And that's it. Discuss both this and Manchester United's Carling Cup Final win as you will.
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