No, you're eyes aren't deceiving you... PKMN.NET does look a little different. We've brushed our hair, shined our shoes and are wearing an ironed shirt for once. We now also dynamically change our width relative to the size of your browser. (This is not an innuendo.)
This news item is more than 45 days old. Updates are unlikely and newer information may already be available.
So what exactly has happened?Basically, there's a lot of boring technical reasons why this change is good for the site. The database the site runs on has been completely reconstructed so that there's no arbitrary limit to the size of a section - as you might have noticed, we had to stop writing about Ruby and Sapphire after 100 pages were created.
Everything isn't perfect yet, mind - there's still a lot of kinks to be worked out (the Ray Davies server interface matrix is stuck in the 'on' position). You can even help us out - if you see something that doesn't look right, or an error, or want to suggest a way we can make the browsing experience more pleasant, why not click "Report errors on this page" at the bottom of every page and tell us what's wrong?
We've got a lot planned for the coming months- the new system makes creating new things easier than ever. We're not going to tell you what they are yet, as, y'know, because we want to keep it a secret, and not because we've not thought of anything.
So what do you think? Why not tell us using the 'spiffy' new comments function below?
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