PKMN.NET has been On Da Web for nine years, the age where kids are lovable while no longer requiring your constant attention.
This news item is more than 45 days old. Updates are unlikely and newer information may already be available.
First, apologies for those who thought this day would bring some great updates to the site. We're already spend from the past holiday season, so there's nothing we can do. Besides, it's the site's birthday, it should be you who's bringing us presents!
Yes, for the past nine years, from a quiet day when Psythor uploaded the site's files, to now, we have been bringing you news, information, entertainment and more. Sometimes more, sometimes less. There's been times when it's been just Psythor doing it, there have been times when we had large groups of people working on it - as we do even now.
We've written much about this, what an amazing journey it's been, how fun it was, and more of that. We've mentioned all the things we've done and the things we've planned for the coming year (with one new project, dubbed Project Doduo, already approaching code completion and ready to enter further stages). We've got a lot of plans to improve other features. It's all going to keep going and get better.
Still, the PKMN.NET would like to congratulate the site and its other staff with this happy occasion. In particular, we'd like to congratulate Psythor for sticking around this long and creating a site that's still this well liked.
Just you wait. The tenth year is coming up. Then we'll really have been around for an internet-eternity.
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