Welcome to the world of the day after tomorrow. After all, the world of tomorrow came 2.5 years ago with version 9.
This news item is more than 45 days old. Updates are unlikely and newer information may already be available.
Please excuse the dust and watch the ladders, we're still doing some final work to make everything perfect. It will all be okay in the end.
Following a development process that has lasted for a year and a half, with the seeds beginning to appear two years ago, PKMN.NET is finally ready to let you into our big new shiny toy, codenamed version 10.
For those interested in the longer discussion and explanation, this forum topic has a lot to tell about what's really going on.
Putting that to the side, the best way to find out everything is just to click and look around. Some of the things to look at are the new profile, the tagging options and our new content code.
With the site upgrade also comes a forums upgrade to SMF2. The two are linked - the v10 upgrade is in part to adjust our codebase to work with its changes. More important, though, is that it's added a lot of features to the forums. If you are a member, check it out now, if you're not - why not? It's worth a look and improves your PKMN.NET experience!
With all this, we're not done yet with the work on the site. Far from it, in fact - we have made a lot of changes that will make it easier for us to add new features and improve the existing ones. We'll be working on that over the coming months, watch this space!
As for the credits: Version 10 is written by Joeno, with some smatterings of v9 code remaining that's Psythor's. The new layout is by Typhlosion.
Enjoy, and to remind you:
PKMN.NET, because everything else just plain sucks (a bit more now)
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...but now I can get to the name rater from the forums!
And I like the blue spectrum...
...but the forums are a bit messy. But it's progress! Whoa... Im gonna have to get used to this ;-; THIS IS AMAZING. I love blue :3 but it's a bit too bright. PKMN evolved in to PKMN X! And I was just getting used to my pirate black theme... Now my mudkip blue theme is gone ! =( w00t I <3 text sp33k (not really ,I despise it, unlike the new PKMN