Another year has come and gone and 2010 promises to be another good year.
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And so, after the drunken mumblings of a certain someone, it's time to move on and celebrate the end of the year and the start of a new one.
Let's start by looking back. A lot has been moved around, leading to growth of the admin team and moderator teams. People have risen and fallen. Personal circumstances for us have changed, not all of them worth going into here, and we've ploughed on.
The latest season of PokéMole has just finished, being more deceiving than ever. Take a look for yourself to understand.
Coding-wise, the biggest leap we've made is v10, pushing the site from a nicely designed but otherwise somewhat hacked-together and easy to break thing (something that happened, well, with v10's release) to a nicely engineered, prettier and better site. We've explained all of that already, let's not go into it again.
There has been a very pleasant meet this year, with new people mixing in with the old guard of previous years. Fun times were had by many and there were several tasty awards handed out.
More stuff happened, but hey, I'm sure you can find those if you wish. It's been a good year in many places.
Then looking forward. Last year's announcement of Project Porygon-Z is obviously no longer valid, but there's more stuff coming.
Unfortunately, that's mostly secret still :-P
It will be site's tenth anniversary soon, though, on the 10th of this month. Fun times are coming, that much seems clear to us already. But let's not spoil the surprise there just yet. Just wait... We hope for a year of small celebrations and other nice things.
And the usual things will, of course, stay, and we'll try to improve them. The forums won't go anywhere, names will be rated, Sentret will stay active, and everything else you can think of will keep going.
We hope that 2010 will be a good year for everyone and wish you all the best. Enjoy your time and don't forget about us in the coming 365 days!
Update with the help of Mulholland who made the picture for me
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Happy Blorthog!
No hang on...the other thing...
Happy New Year! HA HA, third time lucky. Happy another boring year !! BLORTHOG! WOOO! happy 2010!!!!!!!! To the new year!*raises proverbial glass*
but what are we going to call the new decade?the tens? Welcome the Teenies :D Merry Christmas! Happy Valentine's Day! Happy Random Thing Happy preowned year :) Merry Halloween! :D <3