The future of PKMN.NET detailed within!
This news item is more than 45 days old. Updates are unlikely and newer information may already be available.
APRIL FOOLS... you won't be surprised to hear.
Now, speaking as co-owner of the site (and hence your ruling lord), I know some of you have been wondering what will happen to the site following all the recent changes.
Well now the changes are all finalised and emerging, I'm delighted to announce that PKMN.NET will be moving away from Pokémon slightly in the coming years. Not completely you understand, but we plan to become the ultimate authority on strictly Generation IV. That is we will continue to provide cutting edge debate and analysis and top quality content on DPPt and HGSS, but clearing all other content to provide space for the second, and most exciting, part of our relaunch.
Obviously, as the above completely undoctored photo confirms, Wayne Rooney of Manchester United fame has always been a secret Pokémon addict, and to celebrate this we will use the freed up space to host a wide range of Wayne Rooney content. We aim to become the No. 1 Wayne Rooney fansite on the internet, with up to date news on the matches he plays, his recent news and daily photos on what the sexy beast has been up to. We do hope to start this move at some point this April.
Fools who call themselves "die hard Pokémon fans" will no doubt criticise us for this move, but we generally believe that this move will move us into a whole new league in terms of net revenue and provide a new, fresh and most importantly of all, exciting new outlook on Pokémon and of course Wayne Rooney. Rather than consistently reading "wots ur favrut pokemn" as the latest forum topic, imagine seeing "wots rooneys fav pkmn" instead! The possibilities are endless!
We hope you'll continue to support PKMN.NET in the many exciting months ahead :)
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This needs more Andy Carroll. Much better striker <33333 haha, not the best effort but still funny what is wayne rooney's favorite pokemon??? This nearly got me, and even moreso since I didn't know who this person was. Way to go guys, I liked this one. xD I was freaking out until the mention of Rooney. Then I figured it out. Haha, very funny guys. He's not even that sexy. You done 2 April Fools day jokes on us this one and the digimon galatic Battles Nice joke. I don't have a clue who this person is, but nice one. This. Is. Beautiful. ;u; i dont think you are fooling anyone look "some point this April.Fools who call themselves " anyone else see that. not that it was belivable anyway That was a funny April Fools' joke! I think shadowmon is Mickey Rooney and is mad that a Brit has his last name. I can see why april fools has been significantly toned down from a previous one based on what I have read. Nice joke though. If no-one already has, this is so becoming a topic 1 i am a brit. and 2, my surname isnt rooney so shadowmon is brit wow whwt a joke even if i dont understand it =) soccer ¬_¬
he's a british player therefore he is a FOOTBALL player this is not as good as last years one