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Name Rater | He's angry because of YOU.
Gible Nicknames

G is the first letter of the gible evo line and tehy all crush stuff + it sounds cool ooh and....SCREW YOU NAME RATER!!!!!
Tue 09 Oct 2012 00:23:32 UTC by IAmShenanigan
The Name Rater says...
In your wildest dreams you utter moron.
Rated: Sat 24 Nov 2012 21:28:28 UTC
Because, well... A mix of its 2 types (Dragon and Ground) sound like Drowned. Now, who drowns? Asians. Where do they drown, and are famous for drowning (I'm Australian)? Bondi. I changed it to Bondy because it was male, and there's this huge stoner I know who everyone calls Bondy. Simple, right?
Sun 09 Sep 2012 13:18:33 UTC by iSpesh
The Name Rater says...
There are just so many fails, so many wrongs and so many terrible lies in this statement I really don't know where else to begin but by buying a bottle of whiskey.
Rated: Mon 22 Oct 2012 18:29:28 UTC
Because he looks like he nibbles stuff... and he's called GIBLE
Fri 05 Sep 2008 21:54:20 UTC by
Sentret says...
But, like, Sentret doesn't get it because like that still sounds like so very different? But like other than that yes good but Sentret wants something to nibble too now......
Rated: Sun 22 Mar 2009 12:02:52 UTC