
Pokemon Pinball Ruby and Sapphire Coming to Wii U Virtual Console!
Battle and trade virtual trading cards like it's 2000...
All 4th and 5th Gen games affected!
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Site News
Typhlosion has has updated the New Mega Evolutions page.
Typhlosion has added a new section to the site: OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire.
f3raligatr has has updated the New Pokémon! page.
Typhlosion has added a new section to the site: OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire.
f3raligatr has has updated the New Pokémon! page.
Name Rater
Fleshlight for Bellsprout
Ndxuxyziseurhdbdyd. Just randomly pressed buttons on my keyboard. I mean I’m assuming that’s what you did here so it seems fair.
Sparkles for Pichu
So useless in the overwhelming majority of chases then. Like yourself.
Derpidius for Bidoof
Long Live the Derpidius.
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