Hey Sentret!
Could you possible help me ,my son 7 years old (with Autisme) has a Pokémon card with snorlax thats impossible for me to find anywhere .Its Basic Pokémon
Sonrlax (miss spelled) HP 1200 .Its Snorlax flat on his back snoring ZZZ. 2 leaves Irongrip 120
under that is four leaves and four stars
Guillotine 130
Do you know anything about this card ? Is it rare?
Regards Signe (from Denmark)
PS exscuse my poor english.
Sentret thinks there's sort of been going something wrong there with that card because it is not a real actual Pokemon card but maybe a fake one!!!! Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Trading Card Game !!! Isn't that kewl???