Dear Sentret, can you explain how the meaning of life is 42?
Sentret thinks it's really like six multiplied by nine...
Dear Sentret, why do you take so long to update this page?
Sentret doesn't get many good questions and otherwise keeps repeating himself.
Sentret doesn't get many good questions and otherwise keeps repeating himself.
Sentret doesn't get many good questions and otherwise keeps repeating himself.
Sentret doesn't get many good questions and otherwise keeps repeating himself.
Sentret doesn't get many good questions and otherwise keeps repeating himself.
Sentret doesn't get many good questions and otherwise keeps repeating himself.
Dear Sentret, is it true that if you breed a Miltank (or a Tauros with a Ditto ) then the egg could be either of the two? And the same with Volbeat & Illumise?
Sentret thinks maybe. In some cases. With some Pokemon. But only the girly ones... Sentret thinks it sometimes, yes yes yes.
What'll happen if I give an Arceus a Draco Plate to hold, and teach it Draco Meteor, but then remove the Draco Plate?
Sentret like thinks that maybe it's like a weaker Draco Meteor attack thingie sort of stuff then maybe?
In Diamond & Pearl, why is the sound for Chatter always distorted? Isn't th epoint of the attack that Chatot sounds like the player?
Sentret like thinks it's because like they can't save more better on such a smallish microphone so they like don't bother? Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Diamond, Pearl and Platinum !!! Isn't that kewl???