Is Porygon a man made pokemon? From Scartail Sentret thinks like maybe that's what it says right?
HEY SENTRET, how do i get the mystery gift in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum? From Shadowfax Sentret thinks everyone should just be happy with wifi connections!!!!!1111 LOLOLOLOLOL Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Diamond, Pearl and Platinum !!! Isn't that kewl???
Hey Sentret, how rare is a pokemon with a 31 Speed IV? From Mr. Gecko Dude Ehmmm. Sentret does not understand. Does it like carry 31 of those bagstand things with it that make it faster or what Sentret thinks that would just slow it down ~_>_~
Sentret, on FireRed I'm hatching Chansey eggs to get a Bold- natured Chansey, but how could I make it more likely to be Bold nature. From PokeSurfer Sentret like feels maybe just you need luck and all that maybe... or be bold?
Where is the best place to train my Zubat in Pokemon Sapphire? It is on Lv. 13 and I'm on Route 110. From pokemole Sentret thinks Zubats like foreststets with lots of bugsies.... but only when Sentret is not there because Sentret like is scared of bats...
Hi Sentret!
Do you know how I can make my bagon learn hydro pump? I know you have to breed it with something, but I dunno what.... :( From CrazedAttorney Sentret thinks like there are lots of dragonish Pokemon that can, like Magikarp and Feebas like maybe at level 100? Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at PkmnDex and Pokegame !!! Isn't that kewl???
where do i catch a chancy in yellow From blazekin brohers Sentret likes thinks it still is hidding deep in the Safari Zone thingy where like you can't really catch it because it's too cuuuuuuute?! Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Red, Blue and Yellow !!! Isn't that kewl???
Sentret, I'm Having Trouble On Pokemon Sapphire, I Can't Capture Rayquaza NO Matter How HArd I Try, I Used My Master Ball On Laitas, And I only have basic balls to use, because i have 10 cash, how can i catch him?! From Syn_480 Sentret Like hAs to aSK yoU WHy you like can'T BATTLE moRe TraInerS firSt To gEt lIkE moRE SPEciaL ULTRA BALLS?!?!?!?!!!!!111 Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Ruby, Sapphire & Emerald !!! Isn't that kewl???
Why is there no Sentret theme to choose in customisation? From Kona Sentret thinks like nobody ever had one like to want to use Sentret as one?
Do you think I could beat the elite 4 just by using my level
100 Staraptor? From Lucario943 Sentret thinks like... maybe? If you'd try? And if you are like a good strong fast well trainer!?!! Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Diamond, Pearl and Platinum !!! Isn't that kewl???
How do I make A pokemon learn Droco meteor and(pause for you to think) Where? From Blazemaster26: 80's Addicted Sentret like thinks that's a person hidden deep in the mists away where only scary dragon thingies can so Sentret never really went there because Sentret was too scared...... Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Diamond, Pearl and Platinum !!! Isn't that kewl???
Dear Sentret,
I was wondering if you could trade the espeon and umbreon from colosseum to your GBA.*HUGS* From Daniel and Sparky Sentret like thinks yes like because Sentret saw them because Sentret ran away because they were so scary....... Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Colosseum here !!! Isn't that kewl???