where do you find palkia in MD2 From mattysmit Sentret thinks it's like in a complicated place that Sentret doesn't understand either..... Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Mystery Dungeon series !!! Isn't that kewl???
hay you know the shiney snow that you get on 12th jan i saw it agin on the thus 30th oct whats up with that?! From spy777 Sentret believes it usually snows more than once per year... ^_^_^ FUN SNOW Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Diamond, Pearl and Platinum !!! Isn't that kewl???
How do you get Old Sea Map and Mystic Ticket in emerald? From doompowers Sentret like thinks there's like special places events like where you get them. Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Ruby, Sapphire & Emerald !!! Isn't that kewl???
Sentret, where can I find a keystone easily in D/P? From ComicMaker Sentret like thinks strong people nearby have them...? Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Diamond, Pearl and Platinum !!! Isn't that kewl???
I cannot find a Mankey on my old Pokemon Blue version. Where are they? From pokemaster360 Sentret thinks they prefer Red maybe more Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Red, Blue and Yellow !!! Isn't that kewl???
Is it possible to breed Rotom? From Dragon-ayer Sentret thinks maybe like if you try hard enough?
Hi there snetret! If you faint in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of time/darkness then can people with Pokemon Mystery Dungeon blue rescue you? From RachelPiplupLover Sentret thinks like not because they're completely like different places how like can they rescue you from a place that doesn't exist there? :-/ Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Mystery Dungeon series !!! Isn't that kewl???
Yo Sentret my brothers bin wondering can u trade pokemon from blue rescue team to explorers of time From Weavile-Rulez Sentret thinks like no how can you when they're so so so so different? ;.; Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Mystery Dungeon series !!! Isn't that kewl???
sentret how do you get the silver wing in pokemon gold ps if you tell me ill give you a big hug From pokedoom Sentret like thinks you just need to get to the right place in the game and play far far far far further on! Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Gold, Silver and Crystal !!! Isn't that kewl???
What level will pikachu learn volt takle? please anser! (I know I cant spell that well!) From Temperance 'Bones' Brennan Uhh... Sentret thinks not at all but that it like needs some breeding through-help? Oooh, ooh, another cool section. Look at Diamond, Pearl and Platinum !!! Isn't that kewl???