
E-Mail James O
E-Mail James D
E-Mail Ben C
Release Dates

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Pokémon UK
Pokémon Planet
Mew UK

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James O: 64114185
James D: 64115195
Ben C: 63482814

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Wanted: Episode reviews

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Sadly we have not seen any of the episodes that were never shown outside of Japan. If any reader would like to write a review of any episode e-mail me your review. Infact e-mail me any episode review, I want the publuc to make this!

Jap # US/ UK# Title                                                       
001 001 Pokémon! I choose you
002 002 Pokémon emergancy
003 003 Ash catch's a pokémon
004 004 Samurai's challenge
005 005 Showdown in Pewter City
006 006 Clefairy and the moon stone
007 007 The water flowers of Cerulean City
008 008 The path to the pokémon league
009 009 School of hard knocks
010 010 Bulbasaur and the hidden village
011 011 Charmander the stray Pokémon
012 012 Here comes the Squirtle squad
013 013 Mystery of the lighthouse
014 014 Electric Shock Showdown
015 015 Battle abord the Saint Anne
016 016 Pokémon shipwreck
017 017 Island of the giant Pokémon
018 --- Holiday in Acolpulco
019 018 Tentacool and Tentacruel
020 019 The ghost at maidens peak
021 020 Bye bye Butterfree
022 021 Abra and the Psychic Pokémon
023 022 The tower of terror
024 023 Haunter Vs Kadabra
025 024 Primeape goes bananas
026 025 Pokémon scent-sation
027 026 Hypno's naptime
028 027 Pokémon fashion flash
029 028 The punchy Pokémon
030 029 Sparks fly for magnemite
031 030 Dig those Diglett
032 031 The Ninja Poké-showdown
033 032 The flame Pokémon-athon
034 033 The Kangaskhan kid
035 --- The legend of Dratini
036 034 The bridge bike gang
037 035 Ditto's mysterious mansion
038 --- Electric soldier Porygon
S1 S1 Holiday hi-Jynx
S2 S2 Snow way out!
039 036 Pikachu's goodbye
040 037 The battling Eevee brothers
041 038

Wake up Snorlax

042 039 Showdown at the dark city
043 040 March of the Exeggutor squad
044 041 The problem with Paras
045 042 The song of Jigglypuff
046 043 Attack of the pre-historic Pokémon
047 044 A Chansey opperation
048 045 Holy Matrimony!
049 046 So near, yet so Farfetch'd
050 047 Who gets to keep Togepi?
051 048 Bulbasaurs Mysterious Garden
052 049 Princess Vs Princess
053 050 The Puuuuurrrrrfect hero
054 051 The case of the K9 caper
055 052 Pokémon Paparazzi
056 053 The ultimate test
057 054 The breeding center secret
058 055 Riddle me this
059 056 Volcanic Panic
060 057 Beach blankout Blastoise
061 058 The Misty Mermaid
062 059 Clefairy tales
063 060 The battle of the badge
064 061

Its Mr Mimie time!

065 062 Showdown at the Pokécoral
066 063 The evoloution soloution
067 064 The Pi-kahuna
068 065 Make room for Gloom!
069 066 Lights, Camera, Quacktion
070 067 Go west, young Meowth
071 068 To master the Onixpected
072 069 The ancient puzzle of Pokémopilis
073 070 Bad to the bone
074 071 All fired up
075 072 Round 1- begin!
076 073 Fire and Ice
077 074 Forth round rumble
078 075 A friend in deed
079 076 Friend or Foe alike
080 077 Friends to the end
081 078 Pallet party panic
082 079 A scare in the air
083 080 Pokéball perill
084 081 The lost lapras
085 082 Fit to be tied
086 083 Pikachu re-volts
087 084 The Crystal Onix
088 085 In the pink
089 086 Shell Shock
090 087 Stage fight
091 088 Bye Bye Psyduck
092 089 The Joy of Pokémon
093 090 Navel Maneuvers
094 091 Snack Attack!
095 092 A Shipwreck of Shivers
096 093 Meowth Rules!
097 094 Tracey Gets Bugged
098 095 A way off, Day off
099 096 The Mandarin Island Miss match
100 097 Wherefore Art Thou Pokémon?
101 098 Git along, little Pokémon

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